
发布时间:2021-12-13  |  来源:中国翻译协会

理论研究 /
05 翻译伦理研究的反思与重构刍议  吴术驰
15 当代翻译研究的机体主义建构:翻译生命观的构想  罗迪江
25 数字人文视域下名著重译多维评价模型构建  刘泽权
译史纵横 /
34 早期佛典译论文质“厥中论”范式的哲学疏解  张宏雨 刘华文
42 如何为翻译正辞——晚清西学术语译介的道德情感化现象探究  张景华
译介研究 /
49 新时期汉学家对英译中国小说读者的范畴化和重新定位  谭业升
57 中国科幻小说英译发展述评:2000-2020年  高茜  王晓辉
翻译教学·翻译专业课程思政教育校长论坛 /
65 发挥翻译专业特色,谋划翻译课程思政——翻译本硕专业课程思政的北外实践  贾文键
70 论课程思政教育的三组关系  张宝钧
73 翻译专业课程思政的认识理念、实践路径与发展展望  秦和
77 以课程思政引领翻译专业内涵建设与创新发展  查明建
81 民办高校翻译专业的课程思政教育创新  丁晶
译家研究 /
85 郑克鲁的翻译美学——以序跋为中心  张驭茜
书刊评介 /
92 传统译论史料汇编与翻译学学科发展——从《中国传统译论文献汇编》说起  赵巍
学术访谈 /
98 从语言哲学角度观照“翻译”——与刘宓庆教授谈“究竟何谓‘翻译'” 张举栋
行业研究 /
105 口译行业新动态:远程会议口译主流平台及其技术  王小曼  王斌华
翻译技术 /
113 基于词汇计量特征的翻译质量评价研究  王金铨  于香  吴万能
学术视点 /
121 从《民法典》英译看法律翻译质量管控体系建构  张法连
翻译评论 /
131 游刃在“俗”“雅”“趣”中——评朱振武译《天使与魔鬼》  朱伟芳
学术争鸣 /
140 从副文本的角度分析彦琮《辩正论》的翻译问题  李汉平
实践探索 /
147 汉语篇章英译的“时空同态”建构机制研究  钟书能  侯雅璐
158 文学翻译的忠实:以《荷塘月色》七译本为例  陈顺意
166 “人才”及其相关词语英译辨析  陈胜  田传茂
自学之友 /
173 Come High Water(Aldo Leopold)   曹明伦 译
175 如何让译成之文适如其所译——利奥波德《小河涨水》译后杂记  曹明伦
180 航船中的文明(朱自清)  蔡力坚 译
183 把适当的词放在适当的地方  蔡力坚
词语选译 /
187 习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话摘译
191 英文摘要 /
吴术驰  湖北大学
罗迪江  郑州大学/广西科技大学
刘泽权  河南大学
张宏雨  刘华文  上海交通大学
张景华  湖南科技大学
谭业升  上海外国语大学
高茜  北京语言大学  |  王晓辉  中国互联网新闻中心
张驭茜  苏州大学 / 上海师范大学
赵巍  山东大学(威海)
张举栋  华东理工大学
王小曼  王斌华  英国利兹大学
王金铨  于香  扬州大学  |  吴万能  扬州大学/盐城师范学院
张法连  中国政法大学
朱伟芳  上海师范大学
李汉平  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校
钟书能  侯雅璐  华南理工大学
陈顺意  广州大学
陈胜  广东外语外贸大学南国商学院  |  田传茂  长江大学
Rethinking the Study of Translation Ethics
By WU Shuchi (Hubei University, Wuhan, China) p.5
Abstract: Even though it was launched as early as in the 1980s, the study of translation ethics has been hampered by a lack of conceptual clarification, a poorly defined research field and an underdeveloped theory. As such, it is yet to claim a status as a growth point in translation studies. This paper tries to address these developmental issues of the field by reflecting on its conceptual, ideological and methodological foundations. On the basis of these reflections, and in reference to both the Western tradition of ethical studies and the Chinese historical and cultural contexts, the paper makes a new attempt to clarify the concept of ethics of translation, to demarcate the field into two areas of studies – the pure and the applied researches on the ethical dimensions of translation, and to tease out the relationship between those two fields. The purpose of this paper is to attract more attention to the study of translation ethics so that it could be constructed as a robust sub-discipline of translation studies.
Keywords: ethics of translation; pure research; applied research; translation studies
Organicist Approaches to Translation Studies: A Life-oriented View
By LUO Dijiang (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China / Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, China) p.15
Abstract: The organicism-inspired mode of theoretical construction in translation studies, which maintains that translation be understood as a practice that represents, nurtures, sustains and creates life, has been asserting itself either as an observable trend or as an invisible undercurrent in translatology over the past few decades. Its presence is felt mainly in four areas of pursuits, namely, the doctrine of afterlife; the Eco-Translatology, the YI-Translatology, and the generative conception of translation. These pursuits share an organicist philosophical underpinning and are hence able to effect a clean break with the dominant orientations of western translation studies and to bring about a sea change in the way we conceptualize translation. Within this paradigm, textual life is substituted for text as the basic object of interpretation; mechanism is replaced by organism as the epistemological foundation of analysis; and translation itself is rethought as the perpetual transformation and continuous transmigration of textual life in the exotic realm.
Keywords: organicism; theoretical construction; textual life; epistemology; life-centered view of translation
A Digital Humanities-framed Multivariant Model for Assessing the Quality of Retranslations of Literary Masterpieces
By LIU Zequan (Henan University, Zhengzhou, China) p.25
Abstract: From the digital humanities perspective, this paper proposes a new model for assessing the quality of the retranslations of literary masterpieces by redefining the concept of “retranslation” and taking a fresh look at the methodology for its assessment. The model is then applied and verified with two cases, one involving Chinese translations of Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, and the other concerning different English versions of three poems from the Dream of the Red Chamber. By taking into consideration both qualitative and quantitative variables, the model offers a way to assess retranslations through both distanced and close readings. Keywords: digital humanities; retranslation; literary masterpiece; model of assessment; multivariant investigation
Philosophical Underpinnings of the Juezhong Theory in China's Early Sutra Translation
By ZHANG Hongyu & LIU Huawen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) p.34
Abstract: Juezhong (eclecticism/balancing), one of the major theories to come out of translational practices of ancient China, originated from a debate over whether wen (form) or zhi (content) should be upheld as the normative stylistic principle for Buddhist sutra translation. Being both a derivation from and a further development of the conceptual opposition between wen and zhi in Confucius's theory of personality, juezhong settles the dispute between form- and content-centered orientations in sutra translation by striking a balance between the two and, as such, between the external and the internal factors affecting the translational discourse as well. It should therefore be understood as a theory that champions a discursive balance in translation. And it has also contributed to the improvement of early literary theory.
Keywords: Sutra translation; wen and zhi; juezhong theory; cultural trait
How to Use Appropriate Diction in Translation: An Analysis of the Tendency to Moralize and Emotionalize Chinese Translation of Western Terms during the Late Qing Period
By ZHANG Jinghua (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China) p.42
Abstract: Chinese translators' moral stance and emotional predilection played an important role in their translation and interpretation of Western terms during the Late Qing period. Since conflicting ethical attitudes tended thus to result in conflicting renditions and introductions of those terms, and the terminological confusion had in turn created much confusion in their understanding, reception and application by the then Chinese society as a whole, the Qing government, out of a consideration for the empire's ideological and cultural security, had to take the matter upon itself by officially issuing “standard” versions of the translated terms. This paper reconsiders the case in reference to the Pre-Qin Theory of Naming, arguing for the need to uphold the principle of appropriateness in China's translation of foreign terms, as the way to balance the demands for maintaining the target society's cultural security, improving its political governance, and otherwise turning foreign learning to positive account.
Keywords: Late Qing Period; terminology translation; translation of Western terms; moralizing; emotionalizing; Theory of Naming; appropriate diction
How Contemporary Sinologists-cum-translators Categorize and Re-position the Readership of English Translations of Chinese Fiction: A Critical Review
By TAN Yesheng (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) p.49
Abstract: Drawing on categorization theory and Stebbins' reading theory, this paper reviews and generalizes on how contemporary sinologist-cum-translators categorize and re-position readers of English translations of Chinese fiction. In addition to throwing light onto the structure, property and distribution of the readership in question, the paper calls attention to the heterogeneity, historicity, and variability of reader categories, stressing the need to take into consideration the reputation of the Chinese literary works concerned, the two-way cognitive interaction between readers and publishers, and the strategy of focus communications. And it also cautions against stereotyping readers by associating them to their prototypical settings only. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the theoretical and practical significance of reader categorization for efforts to see Chinese culture and literature “go global.”
Keywords: Sinologist translator; English translation; Chinese fiction; readership; categorization; re-positioning
An Overview of English Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Science Fiction: 2000-2020
By GAO Qian (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China) & WANG Xiaohui (China Internet Information Center, Beijing, China) p.57
Abstract: Since the beginning of the 21st century, and especially from 2015 onward, more and more Chinese science fiction works have been translated into English, and their growing circulation in English-speaking countries has added significantly to the popularization of Chinese literature abroad. On the basis of online searches and available statistics, this paper offers a detailed account of how Chinese sci-fi works were translated and disseminated in the Anglophone world between 2000 and 2020. The two decades-long publication and circulation in question is divided into three stages: the stage of occasional publications (2000-2010), of initial explorations (2011-2014), and of steady development (2015-2020). Identifying the factors underlying the boom, the paper also offers some suggestions for furthering the dissemination of Chinese science fiction abroad.
Keywords: Chinese science fiction; English translation; publication; international circulation