
发布时间:2020-05-27  |  来源:中国翻译协会

新时代翻译学科建构研究专栏 /
05     发展中的中国翻译学科:问题与对策         王东风
15     后学科时代翻译学科谱系的元理论反思与重构         庞秀成
23     翻译学科双轨创建范式论     黄忠廉  王小曼
译史纵横 /
31     译者意识形态复杂性下的汉译“昭雪伸冤”     罗选民  付添爵
译介研究 /
40     三国戏的译介与译者行为阶段性特征研究         李鹏辉  高明乐
49     “理”屈且词穷:麦格基与第一部朱子文献英译本         赖文斌  温湘频
翻译教学 /
59     语言服务本科人才培养:“翻译+技术”模式探索                     韩林涛  刘和平
67     英汉交传口译学习者自我修正特征研究     唐芳
书刊评介 /
78     翻译知识体系构建的有益尝试——读《现代翻译知识史》     李伟  骆潇洋
学术访谈 /
85     把握翻译硕士培养内涵  提升教学研究自信——穆雷教授访谈录         曹新宇
译家研究 /
91     中国古典诗歌英译的探索者——宇文所安的诗歌译介路径与特质         陈婷婷
翻译评论 /
100  论汉英语用差异对翻译的影响——基于对《边城》四译本的对比分析         王建国  谢飞
学术视点 /
110  在转换生成语法和萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说之间——论乔治·斯坦纳阐释学翻译理论的源起   段小莉
118  梅肖尼克翻译思想及其历史人文价值         孙黎
翻译技术 /
126  多模态同传语料库的开发与建置——以职业译员英汉双向同传语料库为例         齐涛云  杨承淑
学术争鸣 /
136  “宏观调控”英译辨析         盛美娟  王姗
实践探索 /
143  《易经》视野下的敦煌艺术英译研究:以易释艺  以易导译         吴钧
153  军事历史学术著作翻译:问题与方法——以《诺门罕1939:改变二战走向的战役》汉译为例        王祥兵
161  《黄帝内经·素问》中“白”的英译探析         杜海潮  韩丑萍
166  翻译的忠实与通顺:从微观到宏观——第三十一届韩素音国际翻译大赛阿汉语对翻译评析     薛庆国
自学之友 /
171  A Gift for Mother’s Day(Ken Weber)       曹明伦译
174  译出感情,译出韵味,兼筹神形         曹明伦
178  “科学”概念的中国化(林巍)       林巍  译
181  概念转述中的辨析与重组     林巍
词语选译  新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情相关词汇英文表述(第二批)
王东风 中山大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0005-010
庞秀成 东北师范大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0015-08
黄忠廉  王小曼  广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0023-08
罗选民  广西大学  |  付添爵 广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0031-09
李鹏辉  高明乐 北京语言大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0040-09
赖文斌  南开大学  |  温湘频上饶师范学院
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0049-010
韩林涛  刘和平 北京语言大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0059-08
唐芳 广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0067-011
李伟  黑龙江大学  |  骆潇洋大连外国语大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0078-07
把握翻译硕士培养内涵  提升教学研究自信
曹新宇 南京农业大学
摘要:穆雷教授基于自己十余年的调查、实践和研究,指出要把握翻译硕士(MTI, Master of Translation and Interpreting)人才培养内涵,理念转变至关重要。她对课程设置、翻译技术、实习实践等培养过程的重要环节提出了自己独到的见解。她认为,我国的翻译教育研究还需进一步深入,因为丰富的翻译教学资源为我们开展研究提供了便利条件,中国学者要确立自己的学术研究自信。
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0085-06
陈婷婷 安徽大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0091-09
王建国  华东理工大学  |  谢飞华东师范大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0100-010
段小莉 上海交通大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0110-08
孙黎 陕西科技大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0118-08
齐涛云  杨承淑 辅仁大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0126-010
盛美娟  烟台大学   ︳王姗 北京外国语大学
关键词:宏观调控;macroeconomic regulation;外宣
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0136-07
以易释艺  以易导译
吴钧 河西学院 / 山东大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0143-010
王祥兵 国防科技大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0153-08
杜海潮  韩丑萍 上海中医药大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 03-0161-05
Translation Studies as a Developing Discipline in China: Problems and Solutions
By WANG Dongfeng (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China) p. 5
Abstract: This paper calls attention to the existing problems in Translation Studies as a developing discipline in China, pinpointing three bottlenecks that restrain its development in particular, i.e. the ambiguity of its disciplinary status, the lack of innovation momentum, and the inadequacy of its system for professional training. Whereas China’s current promotion of “the belt and road initiative” has spotlighted these shortfalls, it also affords the discipline a rare opportunity to solve the problems. Only by facing up to the difficulties and clarifying its development goals can China’s TS come up with a promising blueprint for its disciplinary development, one that would keep pace with the demand which the country’s rapid socio-economic growth has placed on its practitioners.
Keywords: Translation Studies; discipline development; bottleneck; problem solving

Meta-theoretical Reexamination and Reconstruction of the Post-disciplinary Translation Studies
By PANG Xiucheng (Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China) p.15
Abstract: Having undergone its pre-disciplinary, disciplinary, and transdisciplinary stages of development and grown into an area made up of a multitude of theories and sub-disciplines, Translation Studies is now entering its post-disciplinary era. To further develop itself, it is necessary that the discipline become self-reflexive, making special efforts to reexamine and reorient itself in order to adopt a mode of integration, criticism and reconstruction. To switch to the new mode, a meta-theoretical perspective should also be adopted. Only such a perspective could enable TS to meet the challenge of knowledge production under the condition of cross-disciplinary involvement, and to regain and maintain its internal coherence under the pressure of self-consciousness.
Keywords: discipline; post-disciplinarity; construction; translation studies; metatheory; metaphor

A Double-track Paradigm for the Development of Translatology
By HUANG Zhonglian & WANG Xiaoman (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.23
Abstract: Even though researches on translatology over the past four decades have won a widely acknowledged disciplinary status for the area of studies, its self-construction remains methodologically deficient. Taking the current state of its disciplinary and terminological development into consideration, this paper proposes a double-track paradigm by synthesizing an ontological and a relational conception of translatology. Consisting of four paths and four logical modes as its constructive mechanisms, such a paradigm aims to provide both a theoretical basis and a methodological support for a sustained development of translatology, enabling it to develop itself from one formation into many, and finally to converge back to one again.
Keywords: translatology; ontological conception; relational conception; double-track; paradigm for development

The Complexity of the Translator’s Ideological Makeup and the Peculiar Rendition of an Opium War-related Diplomatic Document
By LUO Xuanmin (Guangxi University, Nanning, China) & FU Tianjue (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.31
Abstract: While it has long been a scholarly consensus that a key phrase in Lord Palmerston’s Letter to the Minister of the Emperor of China -- “to demand from The Emperor satisfaction and redress”-- was erroneously rendered in the Chinese version of the official correspondence, not much interest has been generated in what had caused the mistranslation. This paper, by taking a close look at what has led scholars to concur about the “error”, and by taking the historical circumstances concerned into consideration as well, comes to the conclusion that what had caused the error is above all the complexity of the translator’s ideological constitution, especially his internalization of the concept of the Celestial Empire. This discovery highlights the importance in translation studies of paying more attention to ideological manipulation behind the behavior of translators.
Keywords: concept of the Celestial Empire; the translator’s ideology; historical memory; historical reflection of translation

McClatchie and the Earliest English Translation of Neo-Confucianism
By LAI Wenbin (Nankai University, Tianjin, China) & WEN Xiangpin (Shangrao Normal University, Shangrao, China) p.49

Abstract: As the founder of Neo-Confucianism, Zhu Xi of the Song dynasty has been regarded as yet another great synthesizer of Chinese thought after Confucius, and has thus occupied a prominent position in the long tradition of Chinese philosophy. His works, with li (rational principle) as their core concept, are among the most cited Chinese Classics in the West since their first translation into English by Thomas McClatchie. This article analyzes Zhu Xi’s notion of li in all its disparate semantic aspects, and then looks into McClatchie’s way of handling this key concept. Subjecting his rendition to a critical evaluation, we explore what underlies the long-lasting influence which McClatchie’s English version of Zhu Xi has exerted on the Neo-Confucian Studies in the West.
Keywords: Zhu Xi; Neo-Confucianism; Li; McClatchie; C-E Translation

A “Translation + Technology” Model of Training for Interdisciplinary Language Service
By HAN Lintao & LIU Heping  (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China) p.59
Abstract: The urgent need to implement the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies have challenged China’s language service industry to bring up a new generation of translators with an updated set of knowledge and skills. To take up the challenge, Beijing Language and Culture University has conducted a pilot study of undergraduate-level translator training over the past four years. On the basis of the study, a “Translation + Technology” model of professional training is here proposed as the way to reform China’s language education so that it can better prepare and equip college language majors for meeting the human resources need of the country’s interdisciplinary language service.
Keywords: language service; AI; translator training; Translation + Technology; localization

Features of Interpreting Learners’ Self-repairs in English-Chinese Consecutive Interpreting
By TANG Fang (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.67
Abstract: This paper analyzes the products of 12 trainees’ English-Chinese consecutive interpreting for the same speech. On the basis of a systematic examination of how self-repair was used in their work, the paper proposes a new interpreting-tailored framework for classifying the various ways such a strategy is employed in CI, with a view to helping overcome the shortages of previous taxonomies. By identifying features of CI learners’ uses of self-repair in actual practices, the paper also shows the trainees concerned how they could improve their interpreting performance by appropriately using self-repair strategy.
Keywords: self-repair; frame of classification; interpreting trainee; English-Chinese consecutive interpreting

How Pragmatic Differences Between English and Chinese Affect Four English Versions of Biancheng
By WANG Jianguo (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China) & XIE Fei (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China) p.100
Abstract: This paper studies how the pragmatic differences between English and Chinese affect the four available English versions of Biancheng, a modern Chinese literary classic by Shen Congwen.  It finds that pragmatically speaking, the translations as a whole tend to be more result-oriented than the original text, and that compared with their native English-speaking counterparts, native Chinese-speaking translators are more likely to be influenced by the pragmatic characteristics of Chinese and hence are more process- rather than result-oriented. However, excessive result-orientation might lead to undue abstractness and to a loss of literariness in the translation. Result-orientation hence does not necessarily guarantee a good rendition.
Keywords: Biancheng; English version; pragmatic difference; result-orientation

Transformational Generative Grammar, Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, and the Source of George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Theory of Translation
By DUAN Xiaoli (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) p.110
Abstract: For all his outstanding achievements and universal fame as a medio-translatological theorist, the recently deceased George Steiner has received little attention from fellow Chinese translation scholars so far, and no effort, in particular, has been made in China to investigate the source of his hermeneutic theory of translation. To do justice to his great scholarship, this paper attempts to study the driving forces that had motivated and informed his theorization in the beginning. By taking into consideration those historico-contextual factors that helped to shape Steiner’s thinking about translation, such as the general conditions of human existence, the academic situation, and the available mechanisms for advancing scholarship, the study concludes that while Steiner’s multilingual experiences had led him to take a deep interest in both Chomsky’s Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG) and the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (SWH), he fully embraced neither. Rather, it is by initiating and sustaining a dialogue between the two perspectives that Steiner came to define his own theoretical position concerning translation.
Keywords: George Steiner; source; hermeneutic translation theory; Transformational Generative Grammar; Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Designing and Building Simultaneous Interpreting Corpus with Multi-modalities: With ECTSIC-P as an Example
By QI Taoyun & YANG Chengshu (Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, China) p.126
Abstract: The multimodal corpus, unlike traditional interpreting corpus with text as its single modality, can display multi-tiered saturated meanings of interpreting events with the help of multimedia tools. And SI’s way of information display is likewise different from that of CI. The SI interpreter is usually hidden from the sight of speaker and audience, making visual information less relevant. The simultaneity of SI decides that audio information is delivered in parallel rather than in series. This paper calls attention to the fact that the above-mentioned uniqueness of multimodal corpus and SI has been taken into consideration in the designing of ECTSIC-PS. Using ECTSIC-PS as an example, it then discusses major issues in the construction of multimodal SI corpus, such as those encountered in the building of archive and the sampling, preprocessing, transcribing and annotation of multimodal research corpus, in the generation of text corpus from the multimodal one, and in the construction of the logical structure of files in the research corpus.
Keywords: ECTSIC-P; multimodal corpus; SI; interpreting studies