
发布时间:2020-01-13  |  来源:中国翻译协会

 理论研究 /
05 探索翻译空间   孙艺风
19 构建以构成要素为基底的翻译研究学科构架   朱健平
 政治文献翻译与国际传播专题论坛 /
31 浅谈《毛泽东选集》非通用语种的翻译出版工作   赵常谦
36 高标准翻译出版领导人著作——以英文版《习近平谈治国理政》为例   王明杰
42 作为一项系统工程的党政文献对外翻译——以党的十九大文件外译工作为例   卿学民
45 多渠道多方位对外传播党政文献   徐明强
49 白皮书的翻译与出版   李洋
 译史纵横 /
54 儒莲法译《道德经》的经典生成路径及呈现   路斯琪  高方
62 林纾与陶铸军国民——以林译《黑太子南征录》为例   李震
 译介研究 /
70 马悦然与中国文学在海外的译介和经典化   覃江华
 翻译教学 /
79 中国翻译学科与翻译专业发展研究(1949-2019)   仲伟合 赵田园
87 我国翻译硕士专业学位现状与问题——基于《翻译硕士专业学位发展报告》的分析研究   穆雷
 书刊评介 /
97 面向新问题的翻译理论构建——《翻译的(生物)符号学理论:社会文化现实的突现》述评   赵巍
 学术访谈 /
103  翻译研究的哲学思考、研究范式与批评话语——廖七一教授访谈录   彭红艳
 译家研究 /
111  刘宓庆译学思想的哲学之“源”探析   张思永
 行业研究 /
122  会议口译百年:回顾与展望   许文胜  程璐璐

 翻译评论 /
130  新巧别致的《诗经》译本——海伦·沃德尔的《中国抒情诗》述评   雷鸣
139  译底与译心
——从《朱门》行香子词的回译看中国经典的回归   栾雪梅  卞建华
 学术争鸣 /
145  《富国策》译者及翻译模式重考——兼与张登德等先生商榷   刘晓峰

 实践探索 /
151  “政治等效+”框架下中国特色外交隐喻翻译策略研究   杨明星  赵玉倩
160  从求实中创作  于达意处传情——第31届韩素音国际翻译大赛法汉语对翻译评析  王吉会 王钰花  傅荣
167  文学翻译的契合观——第31届韩素音国际翻译大赛西汉语对翻译评析  刘建

 自学之友 /
173  Globalization in Contemporary Social Theory (Excerpt) (William E. Scheuerman)   周领顺  顾成豪 译
177  书面语体文本语气的翻译再现   周领顺
181  等待(叶子南)   蔡力坚 译
185  什么是忠实性   蔡力坚
189  英文摘要
192  第三十二届韩素音国际翻译大赛竞赛规则

词语选译  十九届四中全会《决定》重要语汇英文参考译法

孙艺风 澳门大学
朱健平 湖南大学
路斯琪  高方 南京大学
覃江华 浙江大学 / 华中农业大学
仲伟合 澳门城市大学/广东科技学院 |  赵田园  广东外语外贸大学
赵巍 山东大学(威海)
彭红艳 四川外国语大学
张思永 天津职业技术师范大学
摘要:翻译学具有天生的跨学科性,来自他学科的理论之“源”有层次之分,而最高层次的“源”就是哲学之“源”, 即现代翻译学的发展离不开哲学之“源”的观照。分清“源”和“流”,这是中国当代翻译理论家刘宓庆在译学研究中坚持和践行的一个基本原则。文章分析了刘宓庆译学思想的中西哲学之“源”,旨在探究其译学思想形成的哲学心路历程,并望对中国当前的译学研究有所启示。
许文胜  同济大学 |  程璐璐 黑龙江大学/佳木斯大学
雷鸣 北京大学
栾雪梅  中国海洋大学  |  卞建华 青岛大学
摘要:回译就是以“译面”为线索寻找和确定“译底”的过程。但在翻译实践中常常出现同一个“译面”对应多个“译心”的情况。本文以林语堂英文小说The Vermilion Gate(《朱门》)中行香子词的回译为切入点,剖析现有汉译本出现不同“译心”的原因,提出中国经典文本的回译应充分利用语境,从上下文获得线索,同时根据译面中出现的关键词语和信息,仔细查找文献,直达“译底”,实现经典文献的回归。
刘晓峰 西安外国语大学
杨明星  赵玉倩 郑州大学
Exploring Translation Spaces
By SUN Yifeng (University of Macau, Macao, China) p.5
Abstract: This paper intends to explore the concept of space, or rather spaces in relation to translation studies. Translation takes place in a space between two languages, but also emanates from and operates within different spaces. Translation entails movement from one site to another, in whose process the creation/production of spaces allows for multiple representations. In order to make it work better, it is necessary to adopt a broad definition of the concept of spaces. Here the concept of space(s) is understood not only as the bridging of a gap or distance between two languages and cultures but more importantly, as a tangible strategy to understand and disentangle what exactly happens when translation occurs. It is sometimes necessary to shift focus from process to space in exploring ways to negotiate and enhance the availability of linguistic and stylistic resources by addressing varying degrees of polarity between accuracy and acceptability. The perennial challenge to reconcile the conflicting demands of both needs requires a series of spaces to meet the needs of intricate negotiation and mediation that are required. Translation leads to an assemblage that mediates the recognition of incommensurability, multiplicity and, ultimately, the inherent irreducibility of meaning. Given the semantically uncertain and aesthetically precarious nature of translation, translators need to traverse varied spaces while working with multiple cultural codes and conventions. Only through a heightened awareness of the polymorphic interfaces between linked national, social, cultural, historical and aesthetic spaces, can it become possible to produce a translation version that is reasonably balanced and consistently coherent.
Keywords: translation; distance; space(s); context; interpretation
Toward a Component-based Model of Translation Studies
By ZHU Jianping(Hunan University, Changsha, China)p.19
Abstract: Many models for translation studies have been proposed since the 1960s. While these have contributed significantly to the formation and development of TS, their inherent flaws seem to have led to a bottleneck currently encountered by the discipline. This paper takes the five components of research, namely, object, type, level, methodology and perspective, as the base on which to conceive and re-draw an object-centered and components-interrelating blueprint for further developing translation studies, arguing that adopting such a new approach holds the promise of overcoming the above-mentioned developmental bottleneck in TS.
Keywords: translation studies; disciplinary map; component; research object
Stanislas Julien’s Translation of Tao Te King and Its Canonization as a Translated Text
By LU Siqi & GAO Fang (Nanjing University, Nanjing, China) p.54
Abstract: Inherently generative, translation endows the translated text with a life-sustaining vitality. A translated text, as part of the target-language literature, will necessarily be involved in a competition with other texts concerned for surviving the changes in time and context. Whether a certain translated text would eventually win out, enjoy a prolonged life and even become canonized is determined by a complex of factors, including the vagaries of history’blessing. Concerning this point, celebrated French sinologist Stanislas Julien’rendition of Tao Te King is a case in point. As the study presented here reveals, the eventual canonization of this translation is the joint work of factors ranging from the relevant historical context, the translator’s motivation, and the translation strategies he has adopted.
Keywords: Stanislas Julien; Tao Te King; life of the translated text; canonization; canonicity
Rewriting the Source Texts as a Means of Fostering a Martial People: Lin Shu as a Translator with a Political Agenda
By LI Zhen(Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China) p.62
Abstract: Lin Shu, the preeminent literary translator of China’s late Qing period, had a way of turning his translated novels into “substitutes for military books” for cultivating a martial character among his fellow Chinese nationals. Such an agenda of his suggests itself not just in the comments he made paratextually through the prefaces or notes added to his translations, but in his way of changing the narrative structure of the source texts. By infusing them with a martial spirit, he often forced the original stories to undergo a process of “metamorphosis”in the target texts. An especially illuminating case in this respect is Lin Shu’s translation of Conan Doyle’s The White Company, where a generic transformation took place when an English historical novel was turned into a military fiction in its Chinese version. By reshaping the image of the warriors in the original, he promoted the ideals that would have been cherished by a martial nation, including worship for martial deeds, patriotism and loyalty to the emperor. What he thus advocated captured the collective imagination of the Chinese reading public at that time.
Keywords: The White Company; Lin Shu; translation; rewriting; martial spirit
Göran Malmqvist’s Contribution to the Translation and Canonization of Chinese Literature in the West
By QIN Jianghua (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China/Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China) p.70
Abstract: Göran Malmqvist will be remembered both as a reformer in sinology and a patron of efforts to translate and canonize Chinese literature in the West. He initiated, via his own translations, the transition of Swedish sinology from the Karlgrenian paradigm bent on solving intellectual riddles to a new mode of practice devoted to cultural interpenetration. And he played a significant role in promoting Chinese literature globally, helping to ensure its presence and enhance its visibility in world literature. In selecting source texts for his translation, however, Göran Malmqvist could not help being swayed by the dictates of the dominant ideology and the power relations in which he was enmeshed even though he also attached much importance to aesthetic value. In addition to being a translator, he functioned as a researcher, an educator, and a reviewer as well, which made it possible for him to promote Chinese literature in many different ways and to transform it from his personal favorite to a universally recognized canon. Serving at the Nobel Committee in Literature in particular enabled him to gain an impressive amount of cultural and symbolic capitals, with which he was able to exert notable influence on the Nobel Prize selecting process and to promote his favored strategies and criteria of translation as well.
Keywords: Göran Malmqvist; translation; Chinese literature; canon formation; cultural interpenetration; Nobel Prize in Literature
The Philosophical Origin of Liu Mining’s Theory of Translation
By ZHANG Siyong(Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin, China) p.111
Abstract: Translation studies is by nature interdisciplinary, for it draws so heavily on resources offered by other disciplines that its own disciplinary formation could well be seen as a confluence of several other “streams.” Of these contributive “streams,” as has been argued by eminent contemporary Chinese theorist of translation Liu Miqing, philosophy is the single most important. Liu’s unique perspective on translation, with its emphasis on the need to distinguish TS’s originative “sources” from the “course” of the discipline’s later development, and its valorization of philosophy’s seminal contribution to modern studies of translation, is itself rooted in Chinese and western philosophical sources. An exploration of these sources will not only deepen our understanding of Liu’s thoughts on translation, but also provide fresh inspirations for developing Chinese TS as a whole.
Keywords: Liu Miqing; translation studies; source; course; philosophy
Helen Waddell’s Lyrics from the Chinese: A Re-reading
By LEI Ming (Peking University, Beijing, China) p.130
Abstract: This article takes another look at Helen Waddell’s creative rendition of China’s ancient collection of poetry Shi-jing in her Lyrics from the Chinese. Starting with a biography- and correspondence-enabled reconstruction of Waddell’s process of translation, the article turns its attention to both the text and the paratext of the publication, making special efforts to identifying the original odes in Shi-jing of which Waddell’s “Chinese lyrics”are partial translations. An analysis of what characterizes her translational style is also offered on the basis of a close reading of some exemplary pieces from the publication.
Keywords: Helen Waddell;  Lyrics from the Chinese; Shi-jing;  creative translation
Who Translated Fu Guo Ce, and in What Manner? A Discussion with Zhang Dengde and Others
By LIU Xiaofeng(Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, China) p.145
Abstract: Ina 2006 article published in the journal Anhui History, Professor Zhang Dengde identifies Wang Fengzao as the sole translator of Fu Guo Ce on the basis of his extensive research of how this 1880 Chinese translation of Henry Fawcett’s Manual of Political Economy was produced. While his finding has since been widely accepted by translation scholars, issues concerning Fu Guo Ce’s translatorship and mode of translation remain. Guided by the principles of historiography, translatology and sociology, this paper subjects to a critical review the different viewpoints on the circumstances under which Fawcett’s Manual was first rendered into Chinese. By taking into consideration all the relevant textual and contextual elements, the author concludes instead that Fu Guo Ce was the collaborative work by William A. P. Martin and his student Wang Fengzao. While the former provided the general guidelines for undertaking the translation, the rendition was largely done by the latter.
Keywords: Fu Guo Ce; translator; translation mode; re-examination; perspective; sociology of translation
Strategies for Translating Diplomacy-serving Metaphors with Chinese Characteristics
By YANG Mingxing & ZHAO Yuqian (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China) p.151
Abstract: The use of metaphors is an indispensable discursive mode, rhetorical device, and pragmatic strategy, and is therefore essential to the expressiveness and functionality of diplomatic discourse. How to appropriately and effectively translate metaphors employed in China’s diplomatic texts is not just a worthy academic problem to be addressed in relevant scholarly fields, but also a significant topic in the on-going discussion on what ought to be the way to tell good stories about China. This paper conducts a research on the strategies for rendering metaphors circulating in China’s diplomatic discourse from the perspectives of diplomacy, cognitive metaphor and translation studies and, on the basis of some case studies, generalizes on the unique attributes of diplomacy-serving metaphors. The study reaffirms metaphor’s rhetorical significance and practical value for diplomatic communication, and proposes that “Political Equivalence + Image Re-presentation” (PEIR) be adopted as the criterion whereby the translation of metaphors is evaluated. In addition, the paper also calls for the use of different translation strategies and methods for dealing with metaphors employed in different types of diplomatic texts.
Keywords: diplomacy-serving metaphor; Political Equivalence; Image Re-presentation; translation principle and strategy