
发布时间:2019-07-04  |  来源:中国翻译协会


理论研究 /
5  试论归化和异化的生成动因与三个层面  冯全功
14  翻译的澄明:重思“诗歌不可译”论  汤富华

生态翻译研究专栏 /
24  翻译研究“生态范式”的理论建构  胡庚申
34  翻译研究中的问题域转换:生态翻译学视角  罗迪江
42  论生态翻译学在中西翻译研究中的学术定位  孟凡君

译史纵横 /
50  诗学的钳制:苏曼殊文学翻译变脸考辨  黄元军
59  翻译律令“译讯人诈伪”的历史变迁及其启示  冉诗洋 李德凤

译介研究 /
66  “文化运动之第二步”:《东方杂志》(1920-1948)的文学译介  侯杰

翻译教学 /
75  CATTI证书嵌入式翻译专业人才培养模式改革研究——以四川外国语大学为例  祝朝伟  杨志亭
82  翻译硕士学位论文模式探究  孙三军  任文

书刊评介 /
91  西方自译研究新视野——《自译与权力:欧洲多语语境下的身份协商》介评  罗金

学术访谈 /
99  京剧剧本翻译实践与思考——夏威夷大学魏莉莎教授访谈录  黄庆欢

译家研究 /
104  翻译家的选择与坚守——杜特莱译介中国当代文学之路  刘云虹

业界视点 /
111  深化改革 探讨创新 推进发展——全国翻译专业学位研究生教育2019年会综述  赵军峰  姚恺璇

行业研究 /
117  普惠金融视角下小微语言服务企业的融资途径分析  钱芳

翻译技术 /
126  人工智能驱动下的众包翻译技术架构展望  邵璐

翻译评论 /
135  《文心雕龙》英译的陌生化策略分析——以宇文所安英译本为例  胡作友  刘梦杰

学术争鸣 /
143  道学心论对深度翻译理论缺陷的补苴  吴冰 朱健平

实践探索 /
150  对重要政治文献翻译的几点思考  张颖
156  体认语言学视野下的汉语成语英译——基于《红楼梦》三个英译本的对比研究  王寅

翻译工作坊 /
165  武术翻译中的理解与表达——以八卦掌英译为例  吴文安

自学之友 /
170  Family Skeleton (Richard King)  周领顺 译
173  意译:文学性增强的有效途径  周领顺
178  我过的端阳节(徐志摩)  蔡力坚 译
181  翻译中的词语搭配  蔡力坚

词语选译 /
184  重要时政词语表述汉英选译

英文摘要 /
信息广角 /
191  新中国翻译事业70年论坛暨2019中国翻译协会年会二号公告
* 理论研究
冯全功 浙江大学
汤富华 武汉纺织大学
摘要:翻译研究作为新兴学科目前还没有明确的学科归类,大多数讨论仍没有直面“对等”范畴的主客体对象,以至于“诗歌不可译”貌似成了一个公论。这里面其实包孕了不能译(incapable of translating)与不可译(untranslatability)的层次问题。不能译是语言问题,事关译者的语感,指涉语言经验,而不可译是哲学问题,事关超验。依据实践理性传统,翻译本身的元意义诸问题应适当予以悬挂,而不是大而无当地进行无休止的讨论。假若波德莱尔的“应和”诗学思想及本雅明“可译性”本质论成立,翻译的文本意义对于译者来说是自明的,翻译“对等”的讨论意义也应随之自动消解而减弱为译者的中、外文表达能力的问题。
* 生态翻译研究专栏
胡庚申 郑州大学/清华大学
罗迪江 郑州大学/广西科技大学
孟凡君 西南大学
* 译史纵横
黄元军 湖南师范大学
冉诗洋  长江师范学院/澳门大学   |李德凤 澳门大学
* 译介研究
侯杰 淮北师范大学
* 翻译教学
祝朝伟  杨志亭 四川外国语大学
孙三军  任文 北京外国语大学
* 书刊评介
罗金 四川大学

* 学术访谈
黄庆欢 浙江大学城市学院
* 译家研究
刘云虹 南京大学
* 业界视点
深化改革 探讨创新 推进发展
赵军峰  姚恺璇 广东外语外贸大学
* 行业研究
钱芳 广东外语外贸大学
* 翻译技术
邵璐 中山大学
* 翻译评论
胡作友  刘梦杰 合肥工业大学
* 学术争鸣
吴冰  湖南大学/东华理工大学  ┃  朱健平 湖南大学
* 实践探索
张颖 北京第二外国语学院
*  实践探索
王寅 四川外国语大学
The Origination of the Twin Concepts Domestication/Foreignization and the Interplay among Their Three Structural Levels
FENG Quangong (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) p.5

Abstract: Despite their façade of familiarity, the concepts of domestication and foreignization in TS remain confused and confusing deep down. This paper holds that cultural differences in languages, poetics, images, thinking and so on are what calls into being this binary opposition. Without cultural differences, the pair of concepts would be meaningless. Domestication and foreignization, furthermore, take place on three levels, namely, the sentential/methodical level, the textual/strategic level, and the ethical level which involves the translator’s attitude toward the foreign culture concerned. The paper further maintains that in an ideal situation, the realization of the ethical dimension is contingent on that of the strategic dimension, and the realization of the strategic dimension is then dependent on that of the methodical dimension, whereas the ethical level controls the strategic level, and the strategic level in turn controls the methodical level.
Keywords: domestication; foreignization; cultural differences; method; strategy; ethic
The Eco-paradigm of Contemporary Translation Studies
HU Gengshen (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China & Tsinghua Universtiy, Beijing, China) p.24
Abstract: Taking as its point of departure Kuhn’s concept of paradigm, this article reexamines those problems that had plunged TS into a crisis at the end of the 20th century, including its lack of an ecological dimension, the limitations of the “cultural turn” it had undergone, the disadvantages of its tendency toward polarization, and the imbalance between the Chinese and the Western theories. Such a crisis in practice inevitably brought about a paradigm shift in translation studies, of which the emerging of the “eco-paradigm” was a result. Riding on the wave of the global trend in ecological studies and drawing also from contemporary cultural theories, the integrative thinking and the deepening interaction between Chinese and Western translation theories, the “eco-paradigm” in the practice of translation has given rise to Eco-Translatology as a distinctive theoretical system in TS.
Keywords: Eco-Translatology; paradigm crisis; paradigm revolution; eco-paradigm
The Constraints of Poetics and the Reshaping of the Original in Su Manshu’s Literary Translation
HUANG Yuanjun (Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China) p.50
Abstract: Su Manshu, an early 20th-century man of letters, translator and monk, occupies a special position in China’s history of literary translation with his pioneering translations of English Romantic poetry, Indian literary works, and even Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. As a translator, he was wont to change the ST’s linguistic style, literary form and narrative perspective, adopting what is known as the method of “heroic translation.” While such an approach has caused some scholars to set his translation up as a negative example, this paper argues that from a cultural theory-informed perspective, the dominant poetics would necessarily restrain and manipulate translation, and Su’s reshaping of the original must therefore be seen as essentially his dynamic adaption to the target language’s received mode of poetics, justified as an act of cultural translation. By subjecting Su’s renditions of English Romantic poetry and Les Misérables to a close re-examination, the paper further argues that since the poetics governing the production of ST necessarily differs from that governing the production of TT, rewriting in literary translation is unavoidable, and a focus on poetics in translation studies is hence called for.
Keywords: Su Manshu; reshaping in literary translation; poetics; constraint
Literary Translations Published in the Eastern Miscellany and the Second Step of China’s New Culture Movement
HOU Jie (Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, China) p.66

Abstract: In response to the dramatic cultural changes brought about by the May Fourth Movement, the Shanghai-based periodical Eastern Miscellany endeavored to shake off its own cultural conservatism and turn itself into a driving force in the “second step” which the Movement was expected to take. To this end, the magazine paid special attention to publishing translations of canonized foreign works both in literature and in literary criticism, in a bid to introduce Western cultural norms and literary theories to the Chinese public. The publication campaign was launched in 1909 and carried on until 1950. The foreign literary theories thus introduced were meant to shape up new norms for China’s literary criticism, whereas the parallel publication of translated literary works aimed at furnishing a model for domestic literary production. What the Eastern Miscellany had published over a period of four decades bore plentiful fruits and exerted far-reaching influences on the development of translation in modern China.
Keywords: The May Fourth [New Culture] Movement; the Eastern Miscellany; literary translation and introduction; literary criticism
Integrating CATTI with BTI Education: SISU’s Model for Reforming the BTI Program
ZHU Chaowei & YANG Zhiting (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.75

Abstract: Translation training’s professional orientation, its emphasis on developing the trainees’ competence, as well as the problems that have been plaguing China’s Bachelor of Translation and Interpreting (BTI) education all make it urgently necessary to integrate China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI) with BTI education. AS SISU’s efforts to reform its BTI program show, such an integration helps to enhance the students’ professional awareness and upgrade their professional competence. It also enables qualified students to be identified and selected for more advanced training and higher-level professional development.
Keywords: integration; CATTI; BTI; program mode; reform
Types and Structures of the Degree Theses Required of China’s MTI Students
SUN Sanjun & REN Wen (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) p.82
Abstract: Since 2007, the Master of Translation and Interpreting Program (MTI) has been added to the curricula of about 250 Chinese universities. With the rapid expansion of this program, issues concerning the writing of theses required of those enrolled in it have started to surface. This paper conducts a survey of available MTI theses that have been submitted and accepted, and identifies eight structure-based types or sub-genres that satisfy the guidelines issued by the National Committee for MTI Education. These are: translation practice report, internship report, classroom performance assessment report, survey report, experiment report, academically-oriented case study, comparative study, and translation technology-themed study. In addition to conforming to the conventions of one of these structural types, a good MTI thesis tends also to satisfy a number of other requirements. These include: the choice of a topic rooted in translation practice and posing a considerable challenge to write; offering a practically relevant discussion of the chosen topic; being adequately informed with a knowledge of the translation theories; and demonstrating a heightened awareness of existing problems.
Keywords: Master of Translation and Interpreting; thesis; thesis topic; thesis types
On Defamiliarization in English Translation of Wenxin Diaolong: With Stephen Owen’s English Version as an Exemplary Case
HU Zuoyou & LIU Mengjie (Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China) p.135
Abstract: Defamiliarization performs the crucial function of increasing aesthetic pleasure by turning conventionality into novelty, or by metamorphosing something banal into a marvel. As such, it is indispensable to literary translation. Two techniques, namely foreignization and hybridization, are often employed in order to produce the needed defamiliarizing effects in literary translation. In Stephen Owen’s English rendition of Wenxin Diaolong, for example, foreignization is extensively used to add exotic colors to a classical text with a strong Chinese flavor in both its image language and the literary terminology it employs, and hybridization is likewise employed in particular to create defamiliarizing effect out of quotations and compliments. Yet the defamiliarization in Owen’s version is by no means unrestrained. Rather, it is carefully measured so that the sense of estrangement is “neither too close nor too distant.” Such a balanced approach tends simultaneously to satisfy target language readers’ aesthetic expectations and to enrich the target language culture. Reflections on this case may shed new light on the ongoing dialogue between Chinese and Western literary theories, providing yet another useful point of reference to Chinese translation scholars in their search for the right strategy of rendering Chinese classics into English and promoting global dissemination of Chinese literature.
Keywords: C-E translation; literary translation; Wenxin Diaolong; defamiliarization; foreignization; hybridization; Stephen Owen
Taoist Philosophy of Mind as a Corrective for Thick Translation
WU Bing (Hunan University, Changsha, China / East China University of Technology, Nanchang, China) & ZHU Jianping (Hunan University, Changsha, China) p.143
Abstract: Stipulating that translation be placed in its rich linguistic and cultural context by such means as adding notes, annotations and comments to the TT, the model of “thick translation” tries to steer the practice towards the goal of a better understanding of, and greater respect for, the target reader’s cultural other. In practice, however, the translator’s unreined subjectivity or excessive manipulation of the translational process often makes it impossible to achieve such a goal. To make up for the deficiency of the theoretical model, this paper suggests that we resort to such Taoist propositions as “calming down by removing desires” (虚一而静) or “respecting the thing itself” (因顺外物), for these doctrines may help to constrain the translator’s subjectivity in thick translation.
Keywords: thick translation; subjectivity; theoretical deficiency; Taoist philosophy of mind
English Translation of Chinese Idioms from the Perspective of Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics: With E-C Renditions of 300 Idioms from The Dream of Red Chamber as Examples
WANG Yin (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.156
Abstract: Idioms are regarded as the distilled essence of language. Their fusion of concise and vivid forms with profound implications, while adding stylistic grace to texts, poses great difficulties to their translators. Even though many theoretical perspectives have been brought to bear on the study of idiom translation, others – such as the cognitive perspective – remains to be applied. Taking as its conceptual grounding the kernel principle of Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics and especially its tripartite division of cognitive analysis into levels of reality, cognition, and language, this paper argues that idioms can be translated on one (or two) of the three levels in question. With the renditions of 300 idioms from three English versions of The Dream of Red Chamber serving as exemplars, the author explains how this method of translation works by comparing the translation-induced cognitive processes and their effects to English translation of Chinese idioms when the rendition takes place on different levels.
Keywords: embodied-cognitive linguistics; kernel principle; C-E translation; idioms; The Dream of Red Chamber