
发布时间:2019-05-07  |  来源:中国翻译协会

翻译与五四运动 /
05     翻译精神与五四运动—试论翻译之于五四运动的意义   许钧
13     翻译在新文化运动中的历史作用及未来前景   王宁
22     五四运动前后马克思主义在中国的翻译与传播   王东风  赵嘏

理论研究 /
33     翻译的范畴转换及其认知阐释   文旭  余平  司卫国
44     “翻译修辞学”之辨与辩   陈小慰

译史纵横 /
55     梁宗岱留学欧洲时期的翻译和创作探微   周永涛
63     利玛窦的文化身份与其翻译策略和效果   高胜兵  王娟

译介研究 /
75     郭沫若所译“维特”形象在中国的传播与接受   张勇
86     “马伯乐”的前世今生—萧红小说《马伯乐》的翻译、续书与续译   孙会军

翻译教学 /
96     新形势下我国翻译专业教育内涵建设——关于翻译博士专业学位(DTI)设置的思考与探索   张爱玲  丁宁
105   翻译硕士培养过程中的思政教育实践研究—以西北师范大学《国策与省情》课程为例   曹进  陈霞

翻译评论 /
114   译出-译入模式下中国文学英译修改过程研究—以《海上花列传》英译为例   张丹丹

书刊评介 /
124   符号学与多模态视角下的儿童文学翻译—兼评《翻译绘本》   王洪林

学术视点 /
130   无本回译研究纵览   黎昌抱  屠清音

学术争鸣 /
141   科学经典翻译中的偏失及传播—以库恩《科学革命的结构》为例   方芳

翻译技术 /
150   语料对齐工具的性能比较与选择   蔡辉

学术访谈 /
156   视听翻译走向云端—何塞·迪亚兹-辛塔斯教授访谈录   苗菊  侯强

实践探索 /
161   古代手工业术语英译探究—以《考工记》为例   许明武  罗鹏

自学之友 /
168   Gained in Translation (Tim Parks)   周领顺  陈静 译
171   翻译的主观与理据   周领顺  陈静
176   “西医东渐”的启示(林巍)   林巍 译
181   医学翻译:词语与句式的辨析   林巍  赵友斌

词语选译 /
185   《中国关键词》(节选)
英文摘要 /
信息广角 /
191  2019暑期全国高等院校翻译专业师资培训课程及拟定授课教师名单
许钧 浙江大学
Translation as a Spiritual Pursuit during China’s May Fourth Movement
By XU Jun (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) p.5
Abstract: In celebration of the centennial of China’s May Fourth Movement, this article explores the relationship between translation and this historic movement from the perspectives of language, literature, culture, and intellectual trends. It discusses the way translation was profoundly entangled with the May Fourth Movement, directly and indirectly contributing to its emergence and development. By helping to endow the Movement with an ethos of openness and creativity, translation became a spiritual pursuit throughout this epoch-making event in China’s modern history.
Keywords: translation; May Fourth Movement; spirit; influence; significance  
王宁 上海交通大学

Translation’s Indispensable Role in China’s Modern History: From the New Culture Movement to the New Era of National Rejuvenation
By WANG Ning (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) p.13
Abstract: The centennial of China’s New Culture Movement (NCM) reminds us once again of the crucial role translation played in this historic event. Without the crucial contributions from translation, the NCM would not have taken place, nor would Marxism have been introduced into China in the immediate wake of this Movement. And since the founding of the Communist Party of China could as a result have been postponed for years, the history of modern China would certainly have been rewritten. The translation referred to here, however, should not be understood in the conventional sense of cross-linguistic transfer of meaning. Rather, it refers to a special mode of cultural interpretation and a catalyst for cultural transformation. In this latter sense, we have every reason to believe that however the mode of translation would change in the age of IT and AI, it would continue to play just as crucial a role throughout China’s New Era of development, contributing vitally in particular to the country’s current efforts to promote its literature and culture abroad.
Keywords: New Culture Movement; translation; interpretation; transformation; Marxism; Sinicization
王东风  赵嘏 中山大学
文旭  余平  司卫国 西南大学
Category-Based Transformation in Translation and Its Cognitive Interpretation
By WEN Xu, YU Ping & SI Weiguo (Southwest University, Chongqing, China) p.33

Abstract: As a new trend and paradigm in TS, cognitive translatology brings to bear on the study of translation the principles and methods of cognitive linguistics, of which category and categorization are two crucial components. While it is well-known that applying categorization theory to translation studies would help counter the tendency in traditional theories of translation toward binary oppositions, what other potentials or problems could result as a consequence of seeing translation anew from the perspective of categorization theory remains under-studied. For a remedy of such a situation, the present work proposes a category-based transformational model of translation. By elaborating on the conditions of possibility as well as the process for category transformation to take place in translation, we explore translation’s cognitive bases and mechanisms, in a bid to shed more light on the cognitive nature of translation activities.
Keywords: categorization; cognitive translatology; category transformation; cognitive basis; cognitive mechanism
陈小慰 福州大学
Translational Rhetoric: A Proposal for Its Definition and Thematization
By CHEN Xiaowei (Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China) p.44

Abstract: This paper explores the way to define and thematize “Translational rhetoric,” a sub-area of translation studies, within the framework of the New Rhetoric paradigm and in response to the changing socio-cultural conditions of our time. By considering its “name” and “nature,” as well its potentials and challenges, from macroscopic, meso and microscopic perspectives, the paper highlights the unique approach, disciplinary implications, theoretical contributions and positive guidance the proposed paradigm may bring to the studies of the rhetorical dimension of translation. A theoretically informed and practicable approach to studying translational rhetoric, “translational rhetoric” holds the promise of improving China’s TS, enabling it to better serve China’s international communication.
Keywords: translational rhetoric; definition; name and nature; promise; challenge; communication
周永涛 四川大学/ 遵义师范学院
Liang Tsong Tai’s Translating and Writing Activities during His European Sojourn
By ZHOU Yongtao (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China) p.55

Abstract: The seven years in the 1920s that Liang Tsong Tai spent travelling and studying in Europe went a long way toward shaping up his career as a celebrated scholar-writer-translator, for the large amount and very significant translations and writings Liang did during this period laid a solid foundation for the professional developments all through his life. This paper offers a detailed examination of the works he accomplished while sojourning in Europe, and explores the social, cultural and historical factors that account for what he did. Standing out among these factors is his well-known friendship with European literary giants such as Paul Valéry and Romain Rolland, which exerted crucial influences on his work in translating both classical Chinese poems and poems in Chinese which he himself had composed. His success in these endeavors sheds useful lights even on today’s cross-cultural communication.
Keywords: Liang Tsong Tai; Europe; translation; writing; Paul Valéry
高胜兵  王娟 安徽理工大学
摘要:Deus(God)、anima(soul)和diligere/ caritas(to love/ love)是天主教话语体系中的三个重要词语(概念),它们的现代汉语对应词通常分别是“上帝”、“灵魂”和“爱”,这种对应关系是始于利玛窦的《天主实义》。本文基于文本的解读,分析“上帝”、“灵魂”和“爱”三个译词在《天主实义》中的产生,从而探讨利玛窦的文化身份与其翻译策略和效果的紧密关系。
张勇 中国社会科学院
Werther v. Weite: Guo Moruo’s Rewriting of Goethe in His Chinese Rendition of Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
By ZHANG Yong (Guo Moruo Memorial Hall, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China) p.75

Abstract: Pondering on why Guo Moruo’s 1922 translation of Die Leiden des jungen Werthers/The Sorrows of Young Werther should have such a strong cross-cultural impact on the development of modern consciousness in China, one could not but notice a sharp contrast between the free spirit and the self-assertive personality embodied by the character of Weite, the protagonist of the Chinese version, and the sentimental and melancholy image projected by Goethe’s original Werthers. The marked difference in characterization is explainable in reference to the equally striking difference between the two cultural-historical contexts in which Goethe and Guo lived and worked respectively. An even more relevant factor, however, is the fact that Guo Moruo meant this translation as both a response to the call of the May Fourth New Culture Movement and an effort to push the Movement further on. With this translation and his equally influential collection of original poems entitled The Goddess, Guo managed to engage himself fully in, and made a significant difference to, the formation of modern Chinese culture. From his case, lessons could be drawn about how translated literature could be made to produce desired cross-cultural effects on and thus contribute to the socio-cultural developments in China.
Keywords: Guo Moruo; Goethe; The Sorrows of Young Werther; translation; cultural effect; China

孙会军 上海外国语大学
The Afterlife of Xiao Hong’s Novel Ma Bo’le as a Case in Multiple Authorship
By SUN Huijun (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) p.86

Abstract: Because of her untimely death in 1942, Xiao Hong was unable to finish writing her last novel Ma Bo’le. The ending-less story however caught the attention of Howard Goldblatt, who in early 1980s turned the unfinished manuscript into English, then came up with a “complete” English version of the story in 2018 by adding to his 1980’s rendition an ending of his own invention, and finally had his wife-collaborator Lin Li-chun turn the added ending into Chinese, thus made available a “complete” version of Xiao Hong’s story in Chinese 76 years after the original writer’s death. The strange twists and turns in Ma Bo’le’s afterlife show that translation is far from a simple and linear process from the source text to the target text. Rather, it is a process of collaboration among agents of translation, often a process of negotiations between the translator and the author, the editor, the reader, and other agents involved. The role each agent plays is incapable of being defined clearly. As the case of Ma Bo’le indicates, the translator could also serve in other capacities, frequently doubling as a researcher, a promoter, or even a co-author. A keen awareness of the possibility as well as the potentials of what may be called “multiple authorship” will help in Chinese literature’s present endeavor to “go global.”
Keywords: Ma Bo’le; English Translation; afterlife; multiple authorship

张爱玲  上海外国语大学  ∣  丁宁 浙江外国语学院


曹进  陈霞 西北师范大学

张丹丹 齐齐哈尔大学
The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai as the Product of a Translational Relay
By ZHANG Dandan (Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, China) p.114

Abstract: The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai , an English translation of a late-Qing Chinese novel, came out of the joint efforts by Eileen Chang, who provided “a very rough draft” of the English rendition, and Eva Hung, who offered two successive revisions of Chang’s version and turned it into a fully publishable literary text in English. This paper looks into their productive “relay” by first setting up an interpretive frame within which the traces of Hung’s revisions were marked systematically and categorized statistically. A comparison between Hung’s two revisions follows, leading to the identification of their differences and similarities and the discovery of the thrust of Hung’s revisionary efforts as well. While both revisions show respect for the overall structure of the original story and uphold the first translator’s principle of semantic translation, they focus on improving the draft translation’s readability and fluency by adding to its cohesion and coherence. An emphasis is also made throughout the process of revision on systematically constructing a general framework in which China’s literature and culture are rendered accessible within the target language and culture.
Keywords: The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai; English translation; revision process; Eileen Chang; Eva Hung


王洪林 四川大学/浙江万里学院
Rethinking Translation of Children’s Literature from Semiotic and Multimodal Perspectives: A Review of Translating Picturebooks
By WANG Honglin (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China & Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo, China) p.124

Abstract: Even though the translation of children’s literature in general has aroused more and more attention from the scholars concerned, the area of picturebook translation had not yet been explored in any comprehensive manner until the 2018 publication of Translating Picturebooks: Revoicing the Verbal, the Visual, and the Aural for a Child Audience by Riitta Oittinen, et al. A follow-up on Riitta Oittinen’s Translating for Children (2000), this collaborative work not just offers a survey of the latest accomplishments in translation studies of children’s literature, but focuses our attention on the translation of picturebooks in particular. With the dual perspectives of semiotics and multimodality it introduces on the subject, this new publication chart new interdisciplinary directions for future studies on translating children’s literature, both in China and abroad.
Keywords: children’s literature; picturebook translation; semiotics; multimodality; critical analysis 
黎昌抱  屠清音 浙江财经大学

方芳 中国科学技术大学/合肥学院
Erroneous Translation of Scientific Classics and the Miscommunication of Scientific Knowledge: With the Chinese Rendition of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions as an Exemplar
By FANG Fang (University of Science and Technology of China & Heifei University, Hefei, China) p.141

Abstract: Errors in the translation of scientific classics is hard to avoid, as is the translation-caused miscommunication of scientific ideas. This paper identifies problematic renditions in the Chinese translation of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, classifies these errors into different types, and, on the basis of the way the erroneous renditions have been unwittingly cited, undertakes to estimate the mistranslation-caused consequences to scientific communication. The study shows that even what seems to be an innocuous mistake in such a translation, when uncritically cited and interpreted, could become seriously misleading and thus snowball into a major problem in scientific communication. And among the types of errors identified, the conceptual one tends to be the most insidious, as mistakes of this type are usually deep-lying and implicit. For translators of scientific texts, therefore, the theoretical point ought to be taken as the minimal unit of translation.
Keywords: scientific classic; translation; translation error; The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; mistaken citation; communication of scientific knowledge
蔡辉 中央财经大学
摘要:本文利用实验研究的方法,以文学、财经和科技三种文体为样本,对6款常见的语料对齐工具进行了比较研究。研究发现:(1)除Déjà Vu X3之外,相同文本使用docx和txt格式对对齐结果没有影响;(2)Transmate、ABBYY Aligner 2.0和memoQ 2015的对齐准确率位居前列,表现稳定;(3)使用不同体裁的文本,对齐质量也会不同。科技文本的对齐效果最佳,其次是财经和文学;(4)对齐准确率是评测对齐质量的主要指标,但不是唯一指标;(5)距离完美对齐的距离、句段长短、标签数量也影响对齐质量。本文还提出了对齐准确率的概念和计算公式。本研究对对齐工具的选择和改进具有一定参考作用。

苗菊  侯强 南开大学

许明武  罗鹏 华中科技大学