
Translation: promoting cultural heritage in changing times
On 24 May 2017, the United Nations General Assembly recognised September 30th as International Translation Day (ITD) to be celebrated every year across the entire UN network. The International Federation of Translators (FIT) is an integral part of ITD thanks to its status as a non-governmental organisation partner with UNESCO.
In preparation for collaboration with the United Nations in 2019, which has been declared International Year of Indigenous Languages, the FIT Council has selected as the theme for ITD 2018 — Translation: promoting cultural heritage in changing times.

As pointed out by UNESCO, cultural heritage does not end with “monuments and collections of objects”. It includes intangible cultural heritage such as knowledge, beliefs, and practises concerning people, nature, and our relationship with the universe. As a global community we are seeing changes that bring previously separated cultures into face-to-face contact. As further pointed out by UNESCO “An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different communities helps with intercultural dialogue, and encourages mutual respect for other ways of life.”

ITD 2018 highlights the role of translation in promoting an understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of others in order to encourage mutual respect in our changing world.
The FIT community encourages the international community to join us in celebrating ITD 2018 during the week of 24-30 September 2018.




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