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来源:中国翻译协会对外传播翻译委员会   发布时间:2016-01-12


1. 社会保障体系  social safety net
2. 中华民族的凝聚力和向心力  the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation
3. 结构性减税  selective tax cuts
4. 加强科技支撑  increase input for science and technology
5. 提高社会保障水平  increase social security benefits
6. 保障性住房  low-income housing;  government subsidized housing
7. 廉租房  low-rent housing
8. 经适房  affordable housing
9. 限价房  price-capped housing
10. 公租房  public rental housing
11. 棚改房  housing in run-down areas that will undergo renovation
12. 有效弥补外需缺口  to effectively compensate for weak external demand
13. 股指期货  stock index futures
14. 融资融券  securities margin trading
15. 跨境贸易人民币结算试点  the trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB
16. 养老保险关系跨省转移接续  portable pension account (PPA)
17. 城市化布局和形态  patterns and forms of urbanization
18. 人才战略  human resources strategy
19. 人才教育  professional education
20. 人才培养  talent fostering;  staff development
21. 人才培训  personnel training
22. 人才之家  Home for Talent
23. 人才选拔  personnel selection
24. 人才类型  personnel types
25. 人才竞争力  talent competitiveness
26. 高级人才  high-end professionals/personnel;  top talents
27. 复合型人才  versatile professionals;  personnel of multiple skills
28. 海外人才  overseas talents
29. 人才库  talent pool
30. 人才管理  personnel/human resources management
31. 人才投资  talent investment
32. 人才政策  personnel policy
33. 人才发展  talent development
34. 尊重人才  value talents/talented people
35. 党管人才  human resources under the Party leadership
36. 党政人才  Party and government officials
37. 青年英才  young talents
38. 高素质教育人才  high-quality educators
39. 海外高层次人才  high-quality overseas professionals
40. 全民健康卫生人才  national health professionals
41. 高技能人才  the highly skilled;  highly skilled workers
42. 企业经营管理人才  enterprise management talents
43. 专业技术人才  professional and technical talents
44. 高素质军事人才  military talents
45. 专业医药人才  professional medical personnel
46. 创新型科技人才  innovative skilled sci-tech workers
47. 急需紧缺专门人才  professionals in short supply
48. 人才队伍建设  building of talent team
49. 人才工作管理体制  talent administration
50. 人才工作机制  talent management
51. 重大人才工程  major projects for talent development
52. 各类型、多层次人才队伍  a skilled, diversified and multilevel workforce
53. 国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020)  National Program for Medium and Long-term Talent Development (2010-2020)
54. 全球留学人才之家  overseas Chinese students’ home
55. 中国国际人才交流协会  China Association for International Exchange of Personnel
56. 中国国际人才交流大会  Conference on International Exchange of Professionals
57. 中日人才培养奖学金项目  Japanese grant aid for human resource development scholarship (JDS) program
58. 全国人才队伍建设规划纲要  National Program for Qualified Personnel Development
59. 科教兴国战略和人才强国战略  The strategy of reinvigorating China through science, education and human resources
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