
理论研究 /
05  以“生”为本的向“生”译道
——生态翻译学的哲学“三问”审视  胡庚申
15  卢曼社会系统论视阈下翻译系统定位再探  邢杰  黄静怡
译史纵横 /
23  官智渐开:光绪、宣统朝之译务与译识  朱灵慧
29  现代时期诗译莎剧活动寻踪  张旭
译介研究 /
38  中国古典文论在西方英译与传播的理论思考
——社会翻译学的观察、主张与方略  王洪涛
46  苏轼绘画理论在欧美学界的翻译与研究  吉灵娟
翻译教学 /
54  混合式教学模式下课程思政教学实践探索
——以笔译工作坊为例  周亚莉  周继霞
61  应用型本科非英语专业口译教学思考与探索
——以实际案例为基础  潘向翀
译家研究 /
68  对话与多元
——试析许钧翻译文化观点的特征、内涵与意义  胡开宝
书刊评介 /
74  翻译的空间与对话
——《翻译空间:迈向中西方的融通》述评  张倩
学术访谈 /
80  从新时代领导人著作翻译看国家翻译实践新趋势
——黄友义先生访谈录  高玉霞  黄友义
翻译评论 /
86  葛浩文反讽翻译艺术的诗学分析  王树槐
95  《三体》在日本的生态适应
——英日间接翻译与汉日直接翻译的交叠  卢冬丽  邵宝
学术视点 /
103  当代中国翻译理论国际传播:现状与展望  韩子满  钱虹
111  《红楼梦》译名之考:互文性的视角  罗选民
实践探索 /
118  叙事距离的现代性与中国现当代小说的译写  方开瑞
125  中国特色“块状”话语及其英译研究
——英汉时空性思维差异视角  刘绍龙  王惠  曹环
134  生态翻译学视阈下政治理论文本英译研究
——以《中国道路能为世界贡献什么》为例  袁鑫
自学之友 /
141  Is the Mainstream Media Fair and Balanced? (Excerpt) (Fred Barnes  周领顺  王志远译
146  风格标记与译内务实  周领顺
150  我与陈羽纶(林巍)  林巍译
154  在“波澜”与“不惊”之间
——人物回忆翻译探微  林巍
词语选译 /
158  《全面建成小康社会:中国人权事业发展的光辉篇章》白皮书重要语汇汉英对照摘译
第三十三届韩素音国际翻译大赛揭晓 /
160  评审工作报告、评审委员会名单、获奖名单
171  英译汉参考译文:最深刻的人生
174  英译汉译文评析:深度翻译视角的意义重构与功能路径翻译  视域的语言表达  司显柱
181  汉译英参考译文:Spring Outing and Drowning
183  汉译英译文评析:透彻理解 准确表达  姜钰
英文摘要 /
胡庚申  郑州大学 / 清华大学
邢杰  黄静怡  广东外语外贸大学
朱灵慧  中南财经政法大学
张旭  广西民族大学
王洪涛  北京外国语大学
吉灵娟  杭州师范大学
周亚莉  周继霞  西北师范大学
潘向翀  上海商学院
胡开宝  上海外国语大学
张倩  西安外国语大学
摘要:翻译学的发展得益于新元素的引入以及与其他学科的对话,中国译学的发展也得益于同国际译学界的对话。孙艺风的最新英文专著Translational Spaces: Towards a Chinese-Western Convergence(《翻译空间:迈向中西方的融通》)由劳特里奇出版社于2021年出版。该书借助空间概念,透视了中西方语境下的一系列翻译研究课题,从理论到实践、从全球到本土,为翻译领域的诸多现象提供了新的空间化诠释。该书的重要意义在于开辟了理解翻译机制与解决翻译问题的空间维度,丰富了现有的翻译理论,为翻译赋能提供了新的空间化思路,同时也表达了中国译学界以中西方融通为目标的跨文化与跨学科的对话诉求,具有重要的学术与实际价值。
高玉霞  中国海洋大学  |  黄友义  中国翻译协会
王树槐  华中科技大学
卢冬丽  南京农业大学  |  邵宝  苏州大学
韩子满  上海外国语大学  |  钱虹  上海外国语大学/台州学院
罗选民  广西大学
摘要:《红楼梦》全译本的译名有两种,The Dream of Red Mansions 和 The Story of the Stone,学界过去绝大部分研究认为前者更优,因为更能反映中国文化精神,而且前者的异化翻译优于后者的归化翻译。本文从互文性的视角,对小说版本进行了考证,详析了两种译名的语言要点和文化因素,考虑了两个译本在西方受众中的接受状况,明确指出:两个书名不存在异化和归化翻译之争;第二个译名不仅能体现中国文化精神,还能与西方文化和文学产生互文效应,从而产生最大的可接受度。文章结论是:在不同译本同时出现文化层面和语言层面的互文时,前者优于后者。这可以成为两种译名的评价公式。
方开瑞  广东外语外贸大学
刘绍龙  浙江越秀外国语学院  |  王惠  西交利物浦大学  |  曹环  浙江越秀外国语学院
袁鑫  天津外国语大学
司显柱  北京第二外国语学院
  The Dao of “Eco-life”-oriented TranslationTackling Three Philosophical Questions about Eco-Translatology
By HU Gengshen (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) p.5
Abstract: This paper reflects on the practices and developments of Eco-Translatology over the past two decades, in a bid to tackle three philosophical questions about this field, namely, “what it is”, “where it came from” and “how it will go on developing itself.” To answer the ontological question of “what it is,” the paper subsumes Eco-Translatology’s main research foci and tenets under the central concept of “Eco-life Root,” which in itself results from a merging of “textual life,” “translator survival” and “translation ecology” into an “Eco-life.” This single “Eco-life Root” gives rise successively to the notion of “Eco-life Translation”, of “Eco-life Domain”, and of “Eco-life Maxim,” as well as a whole series of other eco-translatological ideas pertaining to Eco-life orientation. For the question about the field’s origination, the paper identifies Western ecological concepts, Eastern eco-wisdom and the principle of adaptation & selection as its three main theoretical sources. And for the question about the direction of its further development, the paper predicts that Eco-Translatology will go on practicing the Neo-ecosophy of Translation, focusing on practical “green” translation studies and allying itself with eco-critic, eco-linguistic, eco-poetic, eco-cultural studies. These answers make available a framework that would enable Eco-Translatology to carry forward the dao of “Eco-life”-Oriented Translation in the years to come. 
Keywords: Eco-Translatology; Eco-life orientation; Neo-ecosophy of translation; the dao of “Eco-life”-Oriented Translation
Repositioning Translation System in Line with Luhmann's Social Systems Theory
By XING Jie & HUANG Jingyi (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.15
Abstract: How the translation system is positioned and how it functions in society have increasingly become two related foci of attention from translation scholars. This paper argues that Luhmann’s Social Systems Theory (SST) offers a useful starting point for understanding the nature of the translation system and allows researchers to rethink its internal formation and its external interactions with other social systems. Based on a close examination of Luhmann’s key theoretical concepts such as system and communication, the paper outlines a new analytical perspective from which to determine translation system’s positioning as well as its functions and values within the social framework. The discussion is meant to add to the enrichment of the sociological studies of translation.
Keywords: Niklas Luhmann; Social Systems Theory (SST); translation system; sociology of translation Studies
Translation Activities in the Twilight Years of the Qing Dynasty
By ZHU Linghui (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China) p.23
Abstract: The translation boom in the final years of the Qing dynasty did not come all of a sudden, but as the result of a shift from a passive to an active approach to matters of translation by the authorities. This is a conclusion drawn from a close reading of Qingji Waijiao Shiliao (Historical Sources of the Late Qing China’s Diplomacy). As the documents collected in the volume also show, a wide range of translation activities – from the rendition of official documents, contracts, treaties, and diplomatic representations concerning border conflicts to that of important foreign publications -- was being undertaken during this period, and the official attitude towards cross-linguistic interactions was apparently undergoing a major change at the same time. Such a change was brought about first by the Qing Court’s realization that wording in translation was no trivial matter, since any error in this regard could harm the empire’s rights and interests. Later on, there also appeared to be a growing awareness on the part of some officials that translation could play a vital role in national development as well and that the Court should therefore adopt a more proactive attitude toward it. The shift in attitude ran parallel to a heightening in the officialdom’s consciousness of the empire’s sovereignty, political system and national strength. And it sped up the process of opening up to the outside world toward the end of the Qing dynasty.
Keywords: the Qing dynasty; foreign contact; translation activity; translation attitude; consciousness
Versified Chinese Renditions of Shakespeare's Plays before 1950: A Reexamination
By ZHANG Xu (Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, China) p.29
Abstract: Contemporary translation theories have it that translation is necessarily a rewriting of an original text. Since all such rewritings reflect the ideologies and the poetics embraced by the translators concerned, they tend to manipulate the source literature in a certain way for the target society. Is such a perspective applicable also to the mode of verse translation? For an answer to the question, this paper takes another look at the versified Chinese translations of Shakespearean plays published before 1950. Drawing on the theoretical resources offered by translation studies, the paper examines the way the translators reinterpreted the source texts, the translation strategies and norms they adopted, the aesthetic effects they aimed to achieve, and the cultural implications their renditions encoded for the target society. What this case study has revealed provokes some critical reflections on the concept of rewriting.
Keywords: Shakespearean plays; versified translation; poetics; ideology; rewriting
English Translations of Classical Chinese Literary Theories in the West: A Socio-Translational Perspective
By WANG Hongtao (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) p.38
Abstract: English translations of classical Chinese literary theories meant for circulation in the West constitute a significant component of the current project to see Chinese literature “go global.” This article offers a comprehensive analysis, at both the micro-, the meso- and the macro-level, of the major factors involved in this endeavor. Within the framework of sociological studies of translation, and by deriving theoretical insights especially from Bourdieu, Latour and Luhmann, it proposes various translation strategies for dealing with issues encountered in the process of turning classical Chinese literary theories into English for an audience in the West, such as the collaboration of translators, the selection of the SL text, the adoption of active translation methods, and the transmission of the translated works. Adopting these proposed strategies is expected to facilitate the dissemination and reception of Chinese literary theories in the West, and in the long run it would also make it easier for traditional Chinese poetics to blend into an international discourse of literary theories that is now taking shape.
Keywords: classical Chinese literary theories; translation and transmission; Chinese literature “going global”; Socio-Translation Studies; the international discourse system
Scholarly Translations and Studies of Su Shi's Theory of Painting in the U.S. and Europe
By JI Lingjuan ( Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China)p.46
Abstract: A towering figure in the history of Chinese literature, Su Shi of the Song dynasty was just as distinguished for his achievements in the field of art. Even though only a few of his artistic works survive, his theory of painting has nonetheless remained highly regarded. The oversea attention to Su Shi began in the late 19th century, when introductory translations of his discussions on painting by H. Giles, Arthur Waley and other sinologists generated considerable interest in his theory of art among Western scholars. In the first half of the 20th century, Osvald Siren, Hans Frankel and others looked deeper into Su’s theory and used it as a point of reference in their comparative studies of Western and Chinese arts. Their translations and studies have further disseminated Su’s insights into the aesthetics of painting and calligraphy throughout the Western world. As a result, Su’s observations on “the similarity or commonness between poetry and painting”, “rhythmic vitality”, “brushwork” and “Kung Fu” have become well-known among Western scholars of art. In Su Shi, we have thus a case of how translation has enabled fruitful exchanges between Chinese and Western conceptions of art and has elevated China’s profile in the Western history of art.
Keywords: Su Shi; theory of painting; translation; Osvald Siren, Hans Frankel
Xu Jun's Cultural Conception of Translation and Its Implications
By HU Kaibao ( Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) p.68
Abstract: This article discusses the origin, characteristics, main contents, and implications of Xu Jun's cultural conception of translation. It maintains that the conception took shape as a result of an integration of Xu’s view on translation with Bassnett’s view of cultural translation. Equal emphasis is thus laid in Xu’s theory on both the linguistic and the cultural approaches to translation studies, with special importance being attached to cultural differences and cultural diversity. The conception concerns itself primarily with the cultural nature and cultural implications of translation, the cultural attributes of the translator's identity, and the cultural approach to translation studies. As such, Xu’s general perspective not only adds a new dimension to translation studies, but also points to a new direction for further development of the field.
Keywords: Xu Jun; Cultural Outlook on Translation; implication
A Poetics-guided Inquiry into Howard Goldblatt's Translation of Irony
By WANG Shuhuai (Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China) p.86
Abstract: Irony is an important literary device which translators often have to deal with. With the help of an ad hoc corpus of “the treatments of irony in Goldblatt’s translations,” this study identifies five strategies which the celebrated C-E literary translator has employed to reproduce ironies in the target texts. These are: 1. Defamiliarization, realized through qualitative or quantitative deviance; 2. Tension, created in the semantic, register, tonal or rhythmic mode; 3. Imagery, evoked through retention, omission, adding or substituting of the original text without violating the target language conventions; 4. Phonological effects, produced through manipulation of the sentential rhyme or rhythm; 5. Narrative strands, developed by mixing modes or varying descriptive prominence. A critical evaluation of Goldblatt’s renditions of irony, in terms of their reception by native speakers of English, is also offered following the discussion on the strategies he characteristically adopts.
Keywords: Howard Goldblatt; irony; translation; poetics
International Dissemination of Contemporary Chinese Translation Theories: Present Status and Prospect
By HAN Ziman (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) & QIAN Hong (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China/ Taizhou University, Taizhou, China) p.103
Abstract: Since the beginning of the 21st century, a number of translation theories with Chinese characteristics have emerged. While these theoretical models have started to attract attention from international scholars, a survey of their references in relevant international academic journals and publications indicates that the recognition they have won so far from outside of China remains quite limited, and more efforts should be made by Chinese scholars themselves to actively promote their theoretical achievements abroad. Chinese translation scholars ought to heighten their own awareness of the need to communicate, both directly and indirectly, with their foreign colleagues. And they should also realize that a proper international recognition of their theoretical achievements would in turn facilitate the construction of a domestic discourse system for further development of Chinese translation theories.
Keywords: contemporary Chinese translation theory; international dissemination; international recognition; discourse system of translation theory
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