
 理论研究 /
5  翻译学中国学派之发展理念探讨  陈东成
13  何谓翻译境界论  陈大亮
22  从知识到境界:论翻译学中国学派之“宇宙心”精神  杨镇源
29  令文义圆通,使微言不坠——鸠摩罗什佛经翻译“圆通论”诠释  王晓农
译史纵横 /
37  十九世纪朱子太极观英译的发起与演进  田莎  朱健平
47  海上丝路典籍《瀛涯胜览》英译史与丝路文明西传  迟帅  许明武
译介研究 /
55  西人英译中国典籍的价值取向与中国形象的异域变迁  朱振武  袁俊卿
翻译教学 /
65  推动构建中国特色翻译本科专业人才培养体系——《翻译教学指南》的研制与思考  肖维青  赵璧  冯庆华
72  以实践报告展示翻译能力——论翻译硕士专业学位研究生翻译实践报告的写作  李长栓
书刊评介 /
80  翻译工具论模式与解释学模式再审视——韦努蒂《反工具主义翻译论》介评  覃江华
学术访谈 /
87  如何拓展翻译研究视野——许钧教授访谈录  刘巧玲  许钧
译家研究 /
94  青年巴金译者主体性的建立——《夜未央》译本中的“翻译立场”和“翻译冲动”  周春悦
译家谈译 /
102  谈诗歌英译  许渊冲
翻译评论 /
109  《西游记》德译本中副文本对中国文化形象的建构研究  胡清韵  谭渊
行业研究 /
117  国内外翻译经济研究热点分析与理论模型构建  王立非  孙疆卫
业界视点 /
125  承前启后,开拓创新,推动翻译专业学位研究生教育创新发展
——全国翻译专业学位研究生教育2020年年会综述  赵军峰  魏晋
学术争鸣 /
131  “异语写作”与“无本回译”理论的提出及其发展——兼与周永涛博士商榷  江慧敏  王宏印
实践探索 /
139  交替传译中信息处理的关键——基于语篇结构的探析  原蓉洁  柴明颎
146  从国际术语标准化概念构建模式看中国白酒品酒词的英译  余静  李德超
154  翻译中的意义再生和话语融通——韩素音国际翻译大赛法汉互译评析(2020)  曹娅  陈昉  文雅
自学之友 /
162  Can Machines Be Conscious? (Excerpt) (Christof Koch & Giulio Tononi)  周领顺  陆梦佳 译
167  中间状态体裁的翻译选择  周领顺
172  中国古代有没有哲学?(林巍)  林巍 译
178  在中西思维模式对比中辨析——关于中国哲学概念的翻译  林巍
词语选译 /
185  中国共产党十九届五中全会公报摘译(二)
188英文摘要 /
信息广角 /
191  2021年中国翻译协会培训计划
192  第三十三届韩素音国际翻译大赛竞赛规则
陈东成  深圳大学
陈大亮  苏州大学
杨镇源  电子科技大学
王晓农  鲁东大学
田莎  湖南大学/宁夏大学  |  朱健平  湖南大学
迟帅  华中科技大学/石河子大学  |  许明武  华中科技大学
摘要:《瀛涯胜览》为记述郑和下西洋所走“海上丝绸之路”沿线各国的纪实文献。就该书英译而言,有菲利普斯(Geo. Phillips)的节译本和米尔斯(J. V. G. Mills)的全译单行本。英译文本对中外史学、汉学界甚至其他学科的研究产生了深远影响。本文梳理《瀛涯胜览》译本源流,重点从历时视角探究其英译史,并探讨英译本在传播与传承丝路文明中的作用,以期为海上丝路典籍的有效英译提供参考。
朱振武  袁俊卿  上海师范大学
关键词: 汉学家;“文明等级论”;中国文化英译;中国形象
肖维青  赵璧  冯庆华  上海外国语大学
摘要:本文是对新发布的《普通高等学校本科翻译专业教学指南》的最新解读。《翻译教学指南》是推动构建中国特色翻译本科专业人才培养体系的重要文件之一,在人才培养的理念、毕业生培养的目标、课程设置方面突出了以下特色:首先,在人才培养理念上,坚持立德树人的根本任务;其次,在培养目标中,引入“语言服务”概念,倡导毕业生服务需求、服务国家战略;第三,在课程设置中,增加了 “翻译技术”和“研究方法与学术写作”两门专业核心课程,培养本科翻译专业学生的技术能力和基本研究素养。
李长栓  北京外国语大学
覃江华  华中农业大学
刘巧玲  重庆邮电大学  ┃ 许钧  浙江大学
周春悦  北京大学
胡清韵  谭渊华  中科技大学
王立非  孙疆卫  北京语言大学
赵军峰  魏晋  广东外语外贸大学
江慧敏  北京第二外国语学院  |  王宏印  南开大学

原蓉洁  华东师范大学  |  柴明颎  上海外国语大学
余静  上海交通大学  |  李德超  香港理工大学
摘要: 中国白酒近年来在海外得到较多关注,但市场认可度偏低,西方顾客对其口感存在较多的误解。研究发现,中国白酒走出去过程中,白酒品酒词往往被省略或是无法得到有效的翻译,使得固有的误解进一步加深。本文借用国际术语标准化提出的概念构建模式,通过梳理并映射中英文品酒词的概念系统来界定和规范中国品酒词的翻译。文章构建了中国白酒品酒词英译需要遵循的基本概念系统,梳理了中国品酒词翻译常用词汇的英译策略,并根据译文功能和使用场合提出三种不同译文模式。
Conceptual Underpinnings for the Development of a Chinese School of Translation Studies
By CHEN Dongcheng (Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China) p.5
Abstract: Drawing on the philosophical wisdom of the Zhou Yi (Book of Changes), this paper proposes and expounds five conceptual pairs as what should underlie the development of a Chinese School of Translation Studies (CSTS). These are: creation and co-existence; change and exchange; impartiality and integrity; creative thinking and clear discernment; as well as harmony and integration. Guided by these mutually complementing concepts of development, the CSTS to be brought into being would strive to construct translation theories aimed at the One or the Dao (way) of translation, and would commit itself to the building of a community of shared future for mankind.
Keywords: Zhou Yi; Chinese School of Translation Studies; concept of development; conceptual underpinning
Toward a Theory of Translation Horizon
By CHEN Daliang (Soochow University, Suzhou, China) p.13
Abstract: While in the area of philosophy, especially in that of philosophy of arts, “life horizon” and “esthetic horizon” have long become much-discussed topics, in TS the notion of the “horizon” for translation has scarcely been mentioned. This paper puts forward the concept of “translation horizon” for the first time, and makes a tentative attempt at its theorization by defining this concept, exploring its nature, and proposing some methods for broadening the horizons of translators and translated works.
Keywords: horizon; translation horizon; subjectivity; level; transcendence
Universal Mentality as the Unique Spirit Informing the Chinese School of Translation Studies
By YANG Zhenyuan (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China) p.22
Abstract: Xiong Shili, a leading Neo-Confucianist of modern China, had advanced the theory that the change of things should optimally take place as a dialect between a Closing and an Opening Movement, or as a simultaneous concealing and exposing of the ultimate truth. Applying this conception to a comparative examination of contemporary Western and Chinese translation studies, one could not but notice that the former tends to be characterized by a disproportionately strong Closing mindset, bent on a pursuit of knowledge without striving to project a visionary world as well. As a result of this, there is a loss of balance between the Closing and the Opening movement, and the TS in the Western mode is inclined toward over-materialization that results in a dwindling of humanistic spirit. By contrast, the Chinese School of Translation Studies displays a strong spirit of what Xiong terms Universal Mentality, striving to rise above the conventional physical world so as to reach the ultimate metaphysical truth and to maintain a balance between the Closing and the Opening movement. Informing its practices with the Universal Mentality, the Chinese school of TS has been able to go beyond a mere concern with accumulating knowledge, engaging itself instead in a pursuit of a sublimed visionary world.
Keywords: Xiong Shili; Closing-Opening movements; Universal Mentality; Chinese School of TS; visionary world
Kumarajiva’s Discourse on Buddhist Sutra Translation: A Reexamination
By WANG Xiaonong (Ludong University, Yantai, China) p.29
Abstract: To draw on the rich heritage of traditional Chinese translation theory must necessarily be an integral part of the present effort to construct a translation theory with Chinese characteristics. For this reason, Kumarajiva, a fifth-century translator-cum-theorist who figured prominently in China's history of Buddhist translation, deserves a closer look. Kumarajiva’s discourse on translation can be summarized in two Chinese characters: Yuan Tong, which together means “an all-round and thorough understanding” of Buddhist sutra texts as the key to their proper rendition. As the central category of his theory on translation, Yuan Tong subsumes intertextuality-pertaining secondary categories such as conceptual system and stylistic rhetoric, and it encompasses also translation ethics, which pertains to the problematic of inter-subjectivity. As such, his Yuan Tong-centered conception of translation can stand as a miniature theoretical system made up of translation-related textual linguistics, stylistics and ethics, and Kumarajiva should be assigned a more prominent position in China's history of translation studies than has hitherto been granted.
Keywords: Kumarajiva; Chinese history of translation; Buddhist sutra translation; Yuan Tong; re-interpretation
English Translations of Zhu Xi’s Concept of Taiji in the 19th Century
By TIAN Sha (Hunan University, Changsha, China / Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China) &
ZHU Jianping (Hunan University, Changsha, China) p.37
Abstract: The 19th-century missionary-translators' controversy over what should be the Chinese equivalent of the term God had accidentally generated much interest in the notion of taiji, the highest category of Zhu Xi's metaphysics, giving rise to the first wave of mass English translations of Zhu's philosophical works. Critically examining the renditions of taiji in their historical contexts by leading missionary-translators such as Medhurst, Bridgman, McClatchie and Chalmers, this paper offers a detailed analysis of the situational and personal factors contributing to the various ways of rendering Zhu’s concept of taiji. By disclosing the historical and cultural values underlying the missionary-translators’ interpretations of this Neo-Confucian category, the paper means to provide a point of reference for current efforts to spread Chinese culture overseas.
Keywords: Zhu Xi; Taiji; English translation; missionary-translator; the 19th Century
English Translations of Ying Ya Sheng Lan and Their Impact on the Westward Spread of Silk Road Civilization
By CHI Shuai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China / Shihezi University, Shihezi, China) & XU Mingwu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China) p.47
Abstract: A well-documented 15th-century account of the countries along the ancient Maritime Silk Road visited by Zheng He’s Expedition, Ying Ya Sheng Lan was first turned into English in the 19th century with the 1895 publication of an abridged version by Geo. Phillips, and no full-text translation of this Chinese classic was done until its rendition into Ying-yai Sheng-lan: The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores by J.V.G. Mill in 1970. Despite their late appearance, its English translations have played a significant role in promoting the westward spread of the silk road civilization, and they have also exerted a profound impact on the development in historiography, sinology and some other subject areas, as the historical survey offered in this paper shows.
Keywords: maritime silk road; Ying Ya Sheng Lan; English translation; history; spread of silk road civilization
How the Cultural Values Guiding Sinologists’ English Translation of Chinese Classics Affect China’s Image in the Western Countries
By ZHU Zhenwu & YUAN Junqing (Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China) p.55
Abstract: The post-Renaissance development of the modernist concept of “progress” had given rise to the notion of a “hierarchical order of civilizations” that justified the colonial expansion and underpinned disciplines closely related to this historical event. With a reference to such a development, how the cultural values underlying the translation of Chinese literature by Western missionaries and sinologists, especially how the circulation of their translations shaped up westerners’ perception of China, merit special attention from translation scholars. This paper offers an in-depth study of a representative sample of the translations in question, tracing the trajectory of the changing purposes and motives of the translators concerned and identifying their renditions’ effects on the Western public. The study leads to the conclusion that in promoting Chinese literature and culture abroad, we should make sure that the translations serve our own purposes.
Keywords: Chinese literature; English translation; theory of a hierarchical order of civilizations; national image
A New Blueprint for Constructing Undergraduate Degree Programs in Translation and Interpreting with Chinese Characteristics: Re-interpreting the Teaching Guide for Undergraduate Translation and Interpreting Majors
By XIAO Weiqing, ZHAO Bi & FENG Qinghua (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) p.65
Abstract: This paper offers a fresh interpretation of the newly released Teaching Guide for Undergraduate Translation and Interpreting Majors (hereinafter referred to as the Teaching Guide). As one of the important documents providing guidelines for constructing undergraduate programs in translation and interpreting with Chinese characteristics, the new Teaching Guide is distinctive from previous versions in three respects. First, as far as the training of competent practitioners is concerned, the Teaching Guide stresses the need to build strong moral character as the fundamental task of education. Secondly, the idea of “language service” is introduced for the first time into the definition of the overall educational objective, whereby it is demanded that graduates from the programs concerned should meet the market demand and be able to serve the national strategies for socio-economic development. Thirdly, two core courses, namely “Translation Technology” and “Translation and Interpreting Studies: Research Methods and Academic Writing” are added to the curriculum, with the aim to improve the students’ technical and research literacy.
Keywords: teaching guide; undergraduate program in translation and interpreting; moral character; language service; translation technology; research literacy

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