
来源:《中国翻译》编辑部   发布时间:2020-03-20
理论研究 /
05  数字人文视域下翻译研究:特征、领域与意义  胡开宝  黑黟
16  后现代翻译研究:后殖民、女性、解构  宋美华
译史纵横 /
26  海洋强国梦的先声:晚清西方海防著作译介研究  张瑞嵘  龙心刚
35  “译者视野”下翻译立场的确立
——陈季同法译本《聊斋志异》研究  王菁
译介研究 /
44  中国特色对外话语体系的译介与传播研究  胡安江
翻译教学 /
52  建构口译课堂促进作用及因素分析实证研究  邓小文
61  从联合国语言服务看翻译专业素养构成  汪雅君  傅鹏辉
书刊评介 /
71  译学理论批评:以批评的思想性推动译学发展
——《译道与文心——论译品文录》述评  蓝红军
学术访谈 /
77  带中国古代说唱文学走进世界文学舞台
——汉学家伊维德访谈录  刘翔  朱源
译家谈译 /
84  全面求“信”,尽可能照原作来译  孙致礼
学术视点 /
92  宇宙现象中人类“Translation”行为再思考  周红霞  谢予
翻译技术 /
99  政治话语双语术语知识库的谱系法构建
——以“一带一路”倡议相关术语体系为例  苗菊  牛军
翻译评论 /
107  文化回译下的自译研究
——以《狄仁杰奇案》为例  宇文刚  安秀梅  张添羽
116  文类视角下的武侠小说英译研究  洪捷
学术争鸣  /
125  心灵哲学视域下的功能主义翻译理论研究
——从精神之“源”说起  宋以丰
实践探索 /
135  《摆脱贫困》核心思想概念词语三维翻译研究  赵会军  曹浏
145  统计类文本专业术语翻译探析  鲍文  耿艺源
154  语言景观俄译失调因子分析  刘丽芬  潘盈汕
163  祈使句末“吧”字的意义功能及英译:
     基于英译《丰乳肥臀》的研究  夏历
自学之友 /
170  Davos in Winter(Robert Louis Stevenson)  叶子南译
173  物色之动,心亦摇焉?  叶子南
180  中年(梁实秋)  蔡力坚  译
184  翻译的逻辑性  蔡力坚
词语选译  新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情相关词汇英文表述
胡开宝  上海外国语大学  |  黑黟上海交通大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0005-011
Translation Studies in the Digital Humanities: Features, Research Areas and Implications
By HU Kaibao (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) & HEI Yi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) p. 5
Abstract: Integrating the digital humanities and empirical translation studies, translation studies in the digital humanities is an interdisciplinary study whose research areas include translated texts, translators, translation history and translator education in the digital age. Translation studies in the digital humanities is at once a methodology and a paradigm of research that deals with both the internal and the external aspects of translation. The emergence of such a new sub-field has made available innovative approaches to scholars concerned, broadening the scope of their thinking about translation in our time.
Keywords: translation studies in the digital humanities; feature; research area; implication
宋美华  西南交通大学/利兹大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0016-010
Postcolonial, Gender, and Deconstructive Approaches to Postmodern Translation Studies
By SONG Meihua (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China / University of Leeds, Leeds, UK) p. 16
Abstract: The postcolonial, gender and deconstructive approaches to the study of translation are distinct from and yet overlapping somewhat with each other. Prominent as they are in the field of translation studies, these approaches have yet to be carefully examined against an overall postmodern backdrop and in terms of their interrelationship. To make up for the deficiency, this paper undertakes to analyze their theoretical underpinnings by way of a clarification of what the concepts of postmodernity/postmodernism, poststructuralism and deconstructionism signify respectively and how these notions relate to one another. The analysis is followed by a discussion on each approach抯 course of development. The need to frame our understanding of the methodological trio within the postmodern culture is stressed, and attention is also called to some tendencies and gaps in translation studies that need to be addressed.
Keywords: postmodern translation studies; approach; postcolonial; gender; deconstruction
张瑞嵘  华中农业大学  |  龙心刚海军工程大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0026-09
A Prelude to Building China’s Marine Power: The Late Qing Translation of Texts on Coastal Defense
By ZHANG Ruirong (Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China) & LONG Xingang (Naval
University of Engineering, Wuhan, China) p.26
Abstract: In the history of military translation in the late Qing Dynasty, the rendition of texts on coastal defense stood out as an especially important undertaking because of its role in promoting the construction of modern Chinese navy, the development of military industry and the growth of naval education. This paper distinguishes between two stages of coastal defense-related translation and sorts out the background, contents and influence of the translated works representative of each phase. By clarifying the historical context as well as the main achievements of this specialized translation, and affirming its originative value in building China抯 marine power, the paper provides some references for studies of military translation in general.
Keywords: history of translation; military translation; coastal defense; translation and publication
王菁 北京大学
摘要:清末外交家陈季同出版于1889年的《中国故事》(Contes chinois)是现知首部《聊斋志异》的法译节本。在这部译作中,陈氏一改往日倡导的“直译”主张而采取“意译”立场,对涉及中国现实的内容进行了一定程度的改译。法国翻译理论家安托瓦纳·贝尔曼提出“翻译立场”这一概念,指译者对其从事的翻译活动持有某种“概念”或“感觉”,但译者实际持有的立场与其宣称的主张未必一致,因为翻译立场不仅受制于个人策略,更受到一系列决定译者感受和行为的历史文化参数即“译者视野”的支配。本文即从“译者视野”出发,分析《中国故事》“意译”立场的确立及其原因,探讨译者在这一立场下隐藏的文学理念和折射出的历史影响。
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0035-09
From the Translating Position to the Translator’s Horizon: A Case study of Tcheng-Ki-Tong’s French Translation of Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
By WANG Jing (Peking University, Beijing, China) p.35
Abstract: Contes chinois (The Chinese Stories), published in 1889 by Tcheng-Ki-Tong, is the first French translation of Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. In undertaking this translation, Tcheng abandoned his original belief in literal translation and adopted instead the approach of free translation by rewriting the contents of the source text that concerned the reality of the Late Qing China. Tcheng’s practice reminds us of Antoine Berman’s concept of “translating position” which maintains that the translator holds a certain “concept” or “feeling” about his own translational activities. However, a translator’s actual position may not be consistent with what he claims to be holding, since the translating position is shaped up not only by individual strategies but also by a series of historical and cultural parameters that constitute the “translator horizon.” This essay examines, within such a horizon, how the mode of free translation was applied to the rendition of the Chinese Stories, in an attempt to disclose Tcheng’s literary conceptions and to clarify the historical influences behind his translating position as well.
Keywords: Tcheng-Ki-Tong; Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio; Antoine Berman; translating position; translator’s horizon
胡安江 四川外国语大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0044-08
Translating the Discourse System with Chinese Characteristics
By HU Anjiang (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.44
Abstract: Much is left to be desired in China’s efforts to represent its discourse system abroad, owing largely to the shortcomings and deficiencies in its translation-based mode of international communication. In search for a remedy of such a situation, this paper proposes a comprehensive solution. It maintains that on the conceptual level, the philosophical ideal of “harmony in diversity” ought to be adopted as the guiding principle for the endeavor, while a “historicist approach to discourse studies” must serve as the methodological paradigm. On the operative level, attention should be paid to the “folk discourse events” that tend to make significant impacts on international communication, and to the mode of “story-telling” popular with mainstream international media as well. The audience’s expectation, as well as the related modes of consultative thinking and Internet thinking, should also be taken into serious consideration. All barriers to an effective communication, caused by outdated or deficient mechanisms, must be identified and removed. In addition, greater importance should be attached to cultivating highly-qualified translation talents, on whom, ultimately, the accomplishment of the task to disseminate Chinese discourse abroad and improve the effectiveness of its international communication would depend.
Keywords: Discourse System with Chinese Characteristics; international communication; translation; disseminating
邓小文 北京外国语大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0052-0
SCMT’s Facilitative Effect on Teaching of Translation and Interpreting:
An Empirical Study
 By DENG Xiaowen (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) p.52
Abstract: This paper reports on a study of applying the Social Constructivist Model for Teaching (SCMT) to undergraduate training in consecutive interpreting, analyzing both the facilitative effect this approach has created and the factors relevant to the generation of such an effect. Students of two parallel classes, who were taking their 6th-semester course Headway to Consecutive Interpreting from English into Chinese, made up the subjects of the experiment, with the experimental class adopting the SCMT while the control class keeping to the conventional mode of teaching. By collecting and triangulating data from the experiment, the study finds that the pre- and post-tests of the experimental class, as well as the two classes’ post-tests, differ significantly, and the differences all point to the conclusion that SCMT is more conducive to building the students’ interpreting competence. Also found is that four factors, i.e., teaching arrangement, after-class practice, prior and post-interpreting, and group exercise, tend to affect the results of SCMT’s application. Because of SCMT’s effectiveness in enhancing professional expertise and extra-linguistic competence, 77% of the students involved in the experiment now prefer it to the conventional approach to teaching consecutive interpreting.
Keywords: SCMT; teaching interpreting; interpreting competence; facilitative effect; factor analysis
汪雅君  南方医科大学  |  傅鹏辉广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0061-010
UN Language Services as a Point of Reference for Defining Translators’ Professional Competence
By WANG Yajun (Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China) & FU Penghui (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p. 61
Abstract: The United Nations has a larger language staff than any other organization in the world. As such, what qualifications it demands of its language staffers would offer a useful point of reference for thinking about what professional competence should be required of translators in general. In this paper we first offer a brief account of the various UN language services and their functions, directing attention in particular to the job descriptions these services post for the purpose of recruitment. We then conduct a factor analysis of the data collected from a questionnaire-based survey of the UN language staff. Out of the analysis we derive seven essential abilities required of UN-employed translators and interpreters, namely, the ability or skills as regards language, translation, intercultural communication, political sensitivity, teamwork, technological awareness and continuous learning. In conclusion, we argue that this list, mutatis mutandis, would be just as applicable to other language services and could therefore be of help to all prospective professionals in the industry of translation and interpreting, especially those interested in finding employment with international organizations.
Keywords: UN language services; factor analysis; translator and interpreter; professional competence
蓝红军 广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0071-06
刘翔  大连外国语大学/中国人民大学  |  朱源中国人民大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0077-07
周红霞  谢予广西医科大学
摘要:“翻译”是普遍存在的宇宙现象与过程。换句话说,没有翻译,世界就不会存在。人类的语言翻译在本质上只是宇宙世界中翻译工作的绝小部分。不幸的是,我们人类总是喜欢用人类的视角来理解语言翻译的全部,并试图为语言翻译行为制定规则或原则。然而, 这种仅限于人类视角下的语言翻译问题讨论,没有关注自然界普遍存在的翻译现象,限制了人们对语言翻译的理解, 也限制了翻译学研究的发展。本文回顾了自然界中普遍存在的蛋白质翻译机制、对称性与手性现象,提醒人们如果忽略了自然界的普遍翻译现象,翻译研究将很难建立一个稳固的理论范式来支撑自己的学科发展,如果把人类语言翻译放置于宇宙翻译的视野之中,翻译研究就会有更广泛的视域和研究内容。
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0092-07
苗菊  牛军南开大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0099-08
宇文刚  安秀梅  张添羽 山西大学商务学院
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0107-09
The Chinese Maze Murders as a Case for Studying Self-translation from the Perspective of Cultural Back-translation
By YUWEN Gang & AN Xiumei & ZHANG Tianyu (Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China) p. 107
Abstract: The Chinese Maze Murders, originally written in English and later rendered into Chinese by its author Robert van Gulik, is a product of self-translation and back translation. This paper explores the author/translator’s subjectivity as manifested in the self-translation process, analyzing the translating subject’s behavioral trajectory in terms of perspective shift, plot expansion, and back-translation of cultural elements. In generalizing on the patterns of the author/translator’s translational behavior in the multi-layered cultural backtracking process, the paper looks also into the inheritance and continuation of Chinese culture in the self-translated version.
Keywords: Robert van Gulik; cultural back-translation; self-translation; subjectivity; The Chinese Maze Murders
洪捷 厦门大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0116-09
Translating Martial Arts Fiction: A Genre-Oriented Study
By HONG Jie (Xiamen University, Xiamen, China) p. 116
Abstract: Martial arts fiction is a unique genre of Chinese literature. Although its rendition has become an important topic in intercultural communication studies, less attention has been paid so far to a genre-theoretical approach to the translation than is justified. To fill the gap, this paper introduces a three-phased model of genre-oriented translation of the fictional genre on the basis of an examination of genre’s impact on translation in general. The paper argues that for the model to work, it is both necessary and feasible that the fiction’s generic contours be redrawn to some extent in the translational process. Some other suggestions are also offered as to how a genre-oriented translation of martial arts fiction can best be realized, and in what ways it could facilitate global dissemination of the xia culture and improve accessibility of the quintessentially Chinese literary genres within the framework of world literature.
Keywords: genre; martial arts fiction; translation; Chinese literature; world literature
宋以丰 湖南理工学院/湖南师范大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0125-010
赵会军  曹浏 阳光学院
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0135-010
鲍文  耿艺源 浙江工商大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0145-09
刘丽芬  广东外语外贸大学  |  潘盈汕 海南外国语职业学院
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0154-09
夏历 北京航空航天大学
中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-873X (2020) 02-0163-07
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