
目  录
纪念新中国翻译事业70年专栏 /
05 我译《诗经》《论语》和《老子》  许渊冲
07 从失学少年到巴蜀译翁—一个文学翻译家的成长和感悟  杨武能
10 文献翻译与对外传播:一位资深译审的行旅心得  王平兴
14 我从草原来—从事民族语文翻译三十年散记  阿拉坦巴根

理论研究 /
16 翻译研究话语表述中的“隐喻之真”  刘嘉
23 论不昧虚实的译学居中元认知  杨镇源
30 基于语料库的西方描述性翻译研究:回顾与展望  李德俊

译史纵横 /
42 假作真时真亦假—清末民初第一部伪译侦探小说揭示的文化和文学现象
  齐金鑫  李德超
52 离散译者陈荣捷与《传习录》英译  刘孔喜

译介研究 /
61 马克思主义中国化进程译介源头探析  方红

AI时代的口译技术与教学 /
69 人工智能时代的口译技术发展:概念、影响与趋势  王华树  杨承淑
80 人工智能时代口译员信息技术素养研究  李智   李德凤
88 信息技术与口译教学整合:层次、机制与趋势  邓军涛  仲伟合

书刊评介 /
96 副文本:翻译研究的另一扇窗口—凯瑟琳·巴切勒新著《翻译与副文本》评介  于洋欢  朱源  董雁

学术访谈 /
103 歌曲译配:一种特殊形态的翻译—歌曲翻译家薛范先生访谈录  覃军

译家研究 /
109 通过翻译讲述中国故事—戴乃迭当代中国文学英译研究  余静  刘晓黎

学术视点 /
117 新时期汉学家的文学翻译隐喻观  谭业升

学术争鸣 /
127 IMF几个复数术语译名之商榷  顾维勇

实践探索 /
132 哲学文本的审美间离、对话性与翻译构境  西风  汉雨
139 中国特色法律术语的翻译—从法定代表人的译法谈起  蒋开召  刘略昌
145 从动词语义结构看“总结经验”的英语误译原因  双文庭  萧国政

自学之友 /
151 The Green Pasture (Aldo Leopold)  曹明伦 译
153 语言分析和比较是翻译的基础—兼谈英译汉中的代词还原及其省略  曹明伦
158 我的师承(王小波)  王维东 译
162 文学随笔英译的风格再现  王维东

词语选译 /
165  中国关键词:新时代外交篇(节选)

第三十一届韩素音国际翻译大赛揭晓 /
英译汉译文评析:笔译中的“走出”与“植入”:Outing A.I.译后谈  陈国华
汉译英参考译文:What Limits Our Imagination?(施晓菁、姚斌执笔)
汉译英译文评析:宏观意图与微观策略:语用修辞翻译观  林大津
英文摘要 /
刘嘉 四川外国语大学
杨镇源 电子科技大学
李德俊 国防科技大学
— 清末民初第一部伪译侦探小说揭示的文化和文学现象

齐金鑫  中山大学  ∣ 李德超 香港理工大学
刘孔喜  华中科技大学/湖北民族大学
方红 首都师范大学
王华树  广东外语外贸大学  ┃  杨承淑 辅仁大学
李智  哈尔滨师范大学  ┃ 李德凤 澳门大学
邓军涛  武汉工程大学  ∣  仲伟合  澳门城市大学

于洋欢  中国社会科学院大学  │  朱源  中国人民大学  │  董雁  山东第一医科大学
摘要:对译作副文本元素的深入分析不仅可以丰富翻译研究的范式,也可以使研究者更好地认识翻译的本质。凯瑟琳·巴切勒(Kathryn Batchelor)的新著《翻译与副文本》(Translation and Paratexts)在此领域迈出了重要而坚实的一步。通过对热奈特副文本概念的辩证分析,巴切勒以翻译研究为出发点,运用跨学科的研究方法,对副文本概念进行了翻译研究的语境化处理,进而建构出一个具有开放性和包容性的翻译研究副文本理论。本文在对该书的内容和特点进行评介的基础上,阐述其对当今翻译研究的几点启示。
— 歌曲翻译家薛范先生访谈录

覃军  湖北民族大学
— 戴乃迭当代中国文学英译研究

余静  刘晓黎  上海交通大学
谭业升  浙江越秀外国语学院/上海外国语大学
顾维勇  南京晓庄学院
西风  汉雨  南京大学
蒋开召  上海海洋大学  │  刘略昌  上海理工大学
双文庭  武汉大学/武汉科技大学  │  萧国政  武汉大学/湖北语言与智能信息重点研究基地
摘要:本文通过汉英动宾结构语义关系差异,分析了汉语“总结经验”英语误译的原因。文章认为,该误译的主要原因是将汉语动宾搭配“总结经验”语义结构中的行为-产品关系错误地移植到了英语中,而英语的sum up在构成动宾结构时,并不支持行为-产品这种语义关系,而只能支撑行为-材料的语义关系。“总结经验”正确的英语译文应当是review one’s experience。上述两种表达法,尽管字面意义不完全对等,但整体上语义较为对等。这种差异从根本上讲,是人类的认知结构向汉英两种语言投射时,在语言结构上的显性成分和隐性成分的差异所致。
The Metaphorical Truth in Discourses on Translation
By LIU Jia (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.16
Abstract: Drawing on Ricœur’s research on metaphor’s mechanism for semantic renewal and Nietzsche’s view of the metaphorical nature of truth, this paper identifies the three stages in which metaphors employed in discourses on translation have worked in the post-Nietzschean context to reveal “true facts” in translation. Stressing the objectivity of translation, the TRANSFER metaphors have first diverted our attention from a preoccupation with the notion of imitation to an interest in the science of language that results in the unveiling of “the truth of the original.” Putting emphasis upon the spatial and temporal features of the translation context, the SYSTEM metaphors have then rendered visible the historicity of translation activities, whereby “the truth of history” is disclosed. And finally, by calling attention to the differences between a globalized and a Eurocentric thinking about translation, TRANSFORMATION metaphors have led to the valuation of the invisible translators and the appreciation of the textual remainders as well, thus unmasking “the truth of differences.” After pursuing this line of inquiry through the three stages mentioned above, the paper suggests that a further development could be the unveiling of the rhetorical truth behind translation and the uncovering of individual differences within differences in general.
In-Betweenness as a Mode of Metacognition to Free Translation Studies from an Obsession with the Substantiality/Nihility Opposition
By YANG Zhenyuan (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China) p.23
Abstract: Metacognition of translation studies is currently torn between a tendency to emphasize its substantiality and a simultaneous one to stress its intangibility. Whereas the affirmation of some values of translation adds to the metacognition’s substantiality and reinforces its theoretical borders, the postmodernist undermining of these values tends however to deny its theories of any real existence. This paper advocates an in-between mode of metacognition as a way to free translation studies from an obsession with the substantiality/insubstantiality binary opposition. It argues that transcending such an obsession would help to avoid either the rigidity of the borders between different theories or the bewilderment resulting from a denial of theories’ ontological status. It would also help to promote a dialectical sublimation for achieving a more productive metatheoretical stance in translation studies.
Corpus-based Descriptive Translation Studies: Review and Outlook
By LI Dejun (National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China) p.30
Abstract: The corpus-based approach to translation studies, pioneered by Mona Baker, has since its launching become a new paradigm in itself. Among the significant contributions it has made to the development of TS is the grounding of the descriptive translation studies (DTS). The corpus-based DTS has two foci of research: translation universals and translator style. This paper first reviews what the corpus-based descriptive translation studies has achieved, from fruitful explorations of “the third code” and the “translator fingerprint” to enlightening discussions of the relationship between style and ideology. The review is followed by an analysis of the merits and demerits of existing researches, evaluating them in terms of the scope each allows for further exploration of translation universals or translator’s style.
The Cultural and Literary Implications of China’s First Pseudo-translated Detective Story During the Late Qing and Early Republican Period
By QI Jinxin (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China) & LI Dechao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China) p.42
Abstract: The boom in publication of translated detective stories during the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican period in China reflects the popularity of this new literary genre at that time. What has been reputed as the first Chinese translation of a detective novel, however, turns out to be a pseudo-translation upon a careful examination of its intrinsic and extrinsic textual features. Zhang Kunde, its alleged translator, actually composed the story by himself to introduce this novel literary genre to China. And he pseudo-translated in such a way that the “target text” conforms to the linguistic and poetic norms of the target language at that time. This finding is in contradistinction to the belief that pseudo-translators would tend to deviate from the accepted literary norms of the target culture, and to exaggerate language features of the presumed original texts (Toury 2012). In addition to deepening our understanding of this pseudo-translational work’s formal features and generic identity, the finding also helps us to come to firmer grips with pseudo-translation as a special literary phenomenon in the target culture. 
Wing-Tsit Chan as a Diasporic Translator and His English Rendition of Ch’uan-hsi lu (Instructions for Practical Living)
By LIU Kongxi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China & Hubei Minzu University, Enshi, China) p.52
Abstract: Chinese American philosopher Wing-Tsit Chan had done much in promoting Chinese philosophy abroad over more than half a century, contributing significantly in particular to the English rendition of ancient Chinese philosophical works. His translations faithfully convey the originality and the uniqueness of Chinese philosophical tradition, their academic value had won him high reputation as a scholarly translator. This paper maintains that the distinction Chan has been able to enjoy is due largely to his cultural identity as a diasporic translator. Taking his English translation of Ch’uan-hsi lu (Instructions for Practical Living) as an example, the paper discusses the influence of a diaspora-engendered cultural awareness on his choice of translation materials and translation strategies, throwing light in particular on the cultural capital he had accrued as a diasporic scholar, and the strong influence he was able to exert in applying the capital to the practice and promotion of translation.
The Earliest Chinese Translations of Marxist Texts and the Dissemination of Marxism in China
By FANG Hong (College of Foreign Languages, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China) p.61
Abstract: Marxism was first introduced into China in the late 19th century, through indirect and fragmentary Chinese renditions of Marxist texts carried by the missionary-sponsored publication Wanguo Gongbao (Multinational Communique) and via the book Da Tong Xue (A Theory on the State of Great Unity). This paper looks into the early history of Marxism’s translation-enabled introduction into China, calling attention through textual comparison to how the strategies adopted by the translators concerned tended to be affected by the then prevailing socio-cultural conditions. Among the findings of this research project are: that the initially introduced ideas of scientific socialism are the result of a double selection by both the authors of the source texts and their translators; that the mode of translation adopted by pioneering Chinese translators of Marxist texts tends to show universal characteristics of ideological translation; and that the interpretation of the ideas in these translations is of much significance to Marxism’s localization in China.
Interpreting Technologies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Influences and Trends
By WANG Huashu (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) & YANG Chengshu (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, China) p.69
Abstract: In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the current theoretical representation of interpreting technologies has created much confusion among learners, educators and practitioners alike, and is hence in substantial need of a more systematic reconceptualization. To meet such a need, this study first brings a historical perspective to bear on the subject by dividing the development of interpreting technologies into four stages, whereby to enhance our understanding of the connotation, classification and positioning of interpreting technologies in developmental terms. The paper then calls attention to how the advancing of interpreting technologies has affected various aspects of interpreting practice, including interpreting modes, interpreter’s competence, and the professionalization of interpreting, and goes on to discuss what might become hot topics and trends in future development of interpreting technology. Through this comprehensive inquiry, the paper adds conceptual clarity to the essential characteristics of interpreting technologies, proposes a cognitive framework for better understanding such technologies, and points out some promising directions for furthering interpreting researches.
Integrating Information Technology into Interpreting Teaching: Levels, Mechanisms and Prospect
By DENG Juntao (Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, China) & ZHONG Weihe (City University of Macau, Macau, China) p. 88
Abstract: With the advent of cutting-edge technologies such as big data, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, the application of information technology (IT) to interpreting teaching has undergone a shift from the mode of external assistance to that of internal penetration. Taking into consideration this new development, we classify the information technologies applicable to interpreting practice into seven types, subsumed respectively under the three headings of the general field, the profession, and the education of interpreting. In addition, four levels of integration are distinguished between IT and interpreting teaching on the basis of the interrelationship between IT, interpreting profession and interpreting teaching: the level of external assistance, of custom development, of synthetic application and of deep fusion. To ensure practical application of this scheme of classification, we elaborate with reference to typical examples at home and abroad on the mechanism of integration in four respects: teaching environment, resources, process, and evaluation. In conclusion, we offer predictions from the perspectives of intelligentization, simulation, precision and collaboration about a trend toward deep fusion between IT and the teaching of interpreting.
Gladys Yang’s Way of Telling the Chinese Stories in Her Solo Translations of Chinese Literature
By YU Jing & LIU Xiaoli (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) p.109
Abstract: One of China’s current cultural agendas is to project a positive image of itself onto the world by effectively telling a Chinese story to the international society. In this endeavor, translation has been playing an essential role and one of the major tasks facing Chinese TS is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Chinese story told through translation. To tackle this task, attention must be focused on investigating what kind of Chinese stories have been told through translation, by whom, and in what manner. This article takes Gladys Yang and her translations of Chinese contemporary literature for a case in point. By addressing questions such as “What Chinese literary works were selected for translation by Gladys Yang?”, “How were the culture-specific items in these texts translated?”, and “What kind of Chinese stories did she tell with her translations?”, the study finds that her translations of contemporary Chinese literature tend to exhibit certain textual and strategic characteristics, enabling her to vividly portray a diversified cross-section of the Chinese society and faithfully represent the authentic life in contemporary China. It is through these achievements that she had added her distinct voice to the collaborative and on-going efforts to tell the Chinese story abroad through translation.
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