
来源:《中国翻译》编辑部   发布时间:2019-09-12
目  录
纪念新中国翻译事业70年专栏 /
05  通过主题图书,翻译助力对外传播   黄友义
09  回忆中国外文局早期几位翻译工作者   林戊荪
11  翻译中国古籍中的思考:“古”与“今”的协商与妥协   王复
14  我与对外翻译   宫结实

理论研究 /
17  译者选择的类坐标系模式   李力
28  拉图尔行动者网络理论对翻译研究的效用   邢杰  黎壹平  张其帆
37  中国口译研究热点与趋势探析(2008-2018)   任文  黄娟

译史纵横 /
48  讲述故事的阿连壁《诗经》译本研究   左岩 
57  一切发生在“江声浩荡”之前—《若望克利司朵夫》及其译者敬隐渔   袁莉

译介研究 /
64  以亲善之态促《边城》西行—译者的他者文化态度对其翻译行为的影响   黄勤  谢攀

翻译教学 /
72  韩素音国际翻译大赛语料库构建及翻译教学应用   王朝晖  余军
80  MTI翻译技术教学体系设计   崔启亮

书刊评介 /
87  翻译认知过程理论探索与实证研究的融合—Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation评析   郎玥  侯林平

学术访谈 /
96  日译与中国当代文学的世界性—著名翻译家、日本中央大学饭塚容教授访谈   刘成才

译家研究 /
103  张佩瑶中国翻译话语的体系构建与成果   刘泽权  朱利利

翻译评论 /
112  文树德《黄帝内经》英译本的“深度翻译”探究   蒋辰雪
121  陌生化语言的翻译与剧本“文学性”的实现—20世纪八、九十年代奥尼尔戏剧汉译本研究   钟毅
学术视点 /
130  中国典籍对外传播中的“译出行为”及批评探索—兼评《杨宪益翻译研究》   许多  许钧

学术争鸣 /
138  为翻译正名:从钱钟书训“译”说起   阮诗芸

实践探索 /
145  中英同声传译信息加工策略   卢信朝
152  论翻译过程中的语意逻辑—以汉译儿童文学故事《点金术》为例   吴术驰
160  论多元文化背景下澳门地名的中葡文语义差异现象   宋灏岩
167  公共标识英译规范的规范—以《广州市公共标识英文译法规范(2018版)》为例   陈顺意

自学之友 /
173  Leipzig (Jessica Bridger)   叶子南  译
176  基本功还是灵活与变通   叶子南
179  经络的神奇作用(林巍)   林巍  译
181  专业理解上的疏通   林巍

词语选译 /
186  重要时政词语汉英选译

英文摘要 /
信自广角 /
191  新中国翻译事业70年论坛暨2019中国翻译协会年会二号公告
192  第三届“全球化视域下的口笔译”国际研讨会通知
* 理论研究

李力  中国海洋大学
邢杰  黎壹平  广东外语外贸大学  |  张其帆  香港理工大学
任文  北京外国语大学   |  黄娟  四川大学
* 译史纵横
左岩  广东外语外贸大学
袁莉  复旦大学
* 译介研究
黄勤  谢攀  华中科技大学
摘要:美国著名汉学家金介甫(Jeffrey C. Kinkley)在研究和译介沈从文小说的职业生涯中,因自身特殊的社会轨迹形成了亲善的他者文化态度。这种文化态度对他的翻译行为以及他作为译者对他者文化形象的构建产生了影响,促使他在翻译《边城》的过程中,构建了“边城”的“异国家园”形象和《边城》的“文学经典”形象。本文借助社会心理学的态度行为理论,探究金介甫英译沈从文作品的成功经验及其深层原因,以期对当前中国文学“走出去”有所启示。
* 翻译教学
王朝晖  余军  厦门理工学院
崔启亮  对外经济贸易大学
* 书刊评介
Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation评析
郎玥  山西大学  ∣侯林平  山东科技大学
摘要:理论探索与实证研究的融合是翻译认知过程研究亟需解决的问题。本文评析了Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation(2019)中的理论建构与方法革新及其融合观。同时指出尽管该书主要提出对未来发展的设想,缺少实证研究,却为之后的研究指明了方向,对我国的翻译认知过程研究具有重要启示。
* 学术访谈
刘成才  南通大学
摘要:日本中央大学饭塚容(いいづか ゆとり)教授致力于中国当代文学的翻译与介绍,迄今共翻译40多位中国当代作家的作品140余部(篇),主编《中国现代小说》季刊,现为《人民文学》日文版《灯火》翻译总监,2011年获中国新闻出版总署“中华图书特殊贡献奖”,2018年获中国作家协会“中国文学之友”称号,系日本最重要的中国当代文学翻译家,为中国当代文学在日本传播与研究做出重要贡献,在中日学界与翻译界享有盛誉。访谈中,饭塚教授从翻译与研究的现状、翻译的选择与策略、日译与评价三方面详细阐释了中国当代文学的世界性意义。希望本访谈为中国当代文学在日本深入传播与研究做出有益参考与借鉴。
* 译家研究
刘泽权  朱利利  河南大学
* 翻译评论
蒋辰雪  南京中医药大学
摘要:文树德的HUANG DI NEI JING SU WEN: An Annotated Translation of Huang Di’s Inner Classic – Basic Questions是海外学术界公认的最权威的《黄帝内经》译本。本文从“深度翻译”的角度剖析了该译本的深度化语境,包括译文中大量出现的脚注、括号注和文本外的绪论、参考文献等。发现译文的深度化语境具有意义阐释、背景描述、分层递进和深层铺垫等功能,是该译本成功展现《黄帝内经》全貌的关键。深度翻译策略的阐释作用、跨文化交流能力和学术本质有助于推动中医典籍的译介和传播。
钟毅  四川外国语大学
* 学术视点
许多  南京师范大学   ∣许钧  浙江大学
* 学术争鸣
阮诗芸  北京大学
* 实践探索
卢信朝  北京外国语大学
吴术驰  西南民族大学
宋灏岩  澳门科技大学
陈顺意  广州大学

Quasi Coordinate System Models for Explaining the Translator’s Choice
By LI Li (Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China) p.17

Abstract: Drawing on the theoretical models constructed respectively by Yang Zijian and Roger Bell, this is an attempt to describe the translator’s choice-making process in spatial terms. The feasibility of such an approach is discussed following an analysis of the features and the process of selecting in translation. In line with Bell’s distinction between the ideal translators and the human translators, two models of quasi coordinate system are proposed in order to delimit the range within which (mis)-translational potentials are in store and the major players involved are expected to engage and interact with one another. New technical terms employed in the systems, such as P Line, S Line, H Spots, F area, E areas, and the First Quadrant, are duly defined. A third “bend and stand” model, used for representing the dynamic interaction among the major players concerned, is also advanced by drawing an analogy with a burpee. This last model offers animated realization to George Steiner’s idea of fourfold hermeneutic motion, in return for the theoretical support it receives from the idea.
Keywords: selecting; translation process; quasi coordinate system of the translator’s selecting
Latour’s Actor-Network Theory and Its Conceptual Potentials for Translation Studies
By XING Jie & LI Yiping (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China)& Cheung Kay-fan Andrew (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China) p.28

Abstract: The production of translation is a social process that takes place in a dynamic network. Within this network, multiple actors interact with one another, giving shape to translation’s final products. An examination of the constructive process of such a network enables researchers in TS to take a close look at the translational process, grasping its intricate and heterogeneous nature, identifying the various stages that the social production of translation undergoes, and gaining theoretical and methodological inspirations for their own practice as well. This paper discusses the network’s origin and the key concepts with which it is constructed. In exploring the way Latour’s theory of Actor-Network works, the paper also directs attention to the conceptual potentials the theory offers to Translation Studies.
Keywords: Actor-Network Theory; Latour; translation; social process; conceptual potential
A Co-word Analytical Exploration of Hot Topics and Development Trends in Interpreting Studies in China (2008-2018)
By REN Wen (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) & HUANG Juan(Sichuan University, Chengdu, China) p. 37
Abstract: This paper surveys the hot topics and development trends in China’s interpreting studies between 2008 and 2018 by undertaking a series of co-word analyses, including a clustering analysis, a strategic diagram analysis and a network analysis. With the keywords of the papers on interpreting published in China’s core journals and searchable from CNKI serving as objects of analysis, the paper examines the topic clusters of interpreting research, their internal structure, each cluster’s positioning in the research landscape in question as well as the possible trajectories of their future development. The network relations between high frequency keywords and the internal influence they exert are also studied. The method of co-word analysis can help overcome the limitations of previous review studies, such as an impressionistic classification of research hotspots and a subjectively predetermined way of analysis. It visually and quantifiably presents the current research hot topics and predicts for trends of development in China’s interpreting studies, drawing conclusions in a more scientific and objective manner.
Keywords: interpreting studies; China; co-word analysis; high frequency keyword; hot topic; development trend
The Narrativization of Lyric Poems in Romilly Allen’s Translation of the Shih Ching
By ZUO Yan (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.48

Abstract: In his 1891 English translation of the Shih Ching, a collection of ancient Chinese poems also known as the Book of Songs, Clement Francis Romilly Allen brings a long 19th-century tendency to narrativize English renditions of classical Chinese verses to its culmination by creatively turning the lyric pieces of the collection into narrative poems. And where the source texts are informed with the quintessence of ancient Chinese culture of rites and music, Allen’s target texts displace it with western romantic and liberal sensibilities. The displacement allows him to promote his own cherished ideal of a “simple time” by projecting it onto the Chinese society in ancient times. Under the influence of the Western philosophical thoughts prevalent in the age of romanticism, when there was a growing skepticism about the supremacy of the classical models, Allen’s renditions also break free from the constraints of the traditional interpretative framework for reading the Shih Ching. His transgressive reading had played a significant role in effecting a transition in the Shih Ching studies from its classification as a Confucian Canon to its identification as primarily a Chinese literary classic.
Keywords: Shih Ching; Clement Francis Romilly Allen; Narrative poetry; Romanticism
Roman Roland’s Jean-Christophe and Its First Chinese Translator Jing Yinyu
By YUAN Li (Fudan University, Shanghai, China) p.57
Abstract: By general consent, Roman Roland’s Jean-Christophe is among the foreign literary works most beloved by young Chinese readers in the 20th century. Whereas the reading public in China tends to give credit for its introduction to and popularity in China to Fu Lei, it was first turned into Chinese by the less well-known translator Jing Yinyu. This paper looks into the circumstances under which Jing first discovered Roman Roland’s masterpiece, including how it had been received in France. The paper then reconstructs the translation process Jing went through rendering Jean-Christophe into Chinese. A comparison is finally made between Jing’s version and Fu Lei’s later translation of the same source text, on the basis of which the author offers some reflections on the value of retranslating literary classics.
Keywords: Roman Roland; Jean-Christophe; Jing Yinyu; Fu Lei; literary translation; retranslation
How Translator’s Attitude Toward Cultural Other Influences Translation Behavior: With Kinkley’s English Rendition of Shen Congwen’s Border Town as an Exemplary Case
By HUANG Qin & XIE Pan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China) p.64

Abstract: In part from his years of researching and translating Shen Congwen’s novels and in part due to his own unique social trajectories, American sinologist Jeffrey C. Kinkley has developed an amicable attitude toward his cultural Other. Such an attitude has, in return, influenced his translation behavior, especially his construction of the image of the Other. The influence is clearly shown in his English translation of Border Town, where a remote rural town under Shen Congwen’s pen has been turned into a “foreign home” for its target readers while the novel itself has gained the status as a literary classic for its professional reviewers. Drawing on the attitude-behavior theory in Social Psychology, this paper explores what underlies Kinkley’s success in introducing Shen Congwen’s novels to the West. In so doing, it offers some thoughts for the way to promote Chinese literature abroad.
Keywords: Jeffrey C. Kinkley; attitude-behavior theory; amicable cultural attitude to the Other; Border Town; translation behavior
Martha P. Y. Cheung’s Construction of the Chinese Discourse on Translation
By LIU Zequan & ZHU Lili (Henan University, Kaifeng, China) p.103

Abstract: Chinese translation studies had long suffered a theoretical aphasia as a result of the dominance of Western discourse on the subject. To change such a status quo, the late Martha P.Y. Cheung, a Hong Kong-based translator cum translation scholar, took the initiative in theorizing and reconstructing the indigenous Chinese discourse on translation and disseminating it among relevant international communities of scholars. Among the many points of view Cheung has advanced, what she terms tuishou or “pushing-hand” stands out as the most representative of the Chinese approach to conceptualizing translation. This paper sets out for a macro- and a micro-survey of the theoretical grounding of Cheung’s tuishou theory, her systematic construction of the Chinese discourse on translation, as well as her practices in translating Chinese literary works. The study is meant as a call for carrying on and pushing forward Cheung’s ambitious yet far from finished project.
Keywords: Martha P. Y. Cheung; tuishou or “pushing-hand” theory; Chinese discourse on translation; systemic construction
Textual Interpretation and Cultural Transmission in Paul Unschuld’s Thick Translation of Huang Di Nei Jing
By JIANG Chenxue (Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China) p.112

Abstract: Paul Unschuld’s HUANG DI NEI JING SU WEN: An Annotated Translation of Huang Di’s Inner Classic - Basic Questions has been recognized internationally as the most authoritative English translation of the ancient text of Chinese life sciences and medicine. This paper subjects to a contextualized analysis the mode of thick translation which Unschuld has adopted in his treatment of the source text, calling attention to a large number of paratexts added to the English version, including footnotes, parentheses, prolegomenon and references. The analysis foregrounds the interpretative and cross-cultural communicative potentials of thick translation as a strategy and as a method, throwing light in particular onto its potentials for effectively promoting the translation and the overseas dissemination of Chinese medical classics.
Keywords: Huang Di Nei Jing; thick translation; interpretation; cultural transmission
The Rendition of Defamiliarized Language as a Means of Reproducing the “Literariness” in Play Translation: A Study of the Chinese Translations in the 1980s and 1990s of Eugene O’Neil’s Dramatic Works
By ZHONG Yi (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p. 121

Abstract: Celebrated American playwright Eugene O’Neil’s masterful use of defamiliarized language has added significantly to the poetic dimension of his plays. Much of the literariness of his dramatic works, in fact, is derived from his aesthetically oriented employment of linguistic rhetoric and structural forms. Demonstrating a heightened awareness of this defining characteristic and showing a keen recognition of the rhetorical devices employed in the source texts as well, Chinese translators of O’Neil’s plays in the 1980s and 1990s worked hard to convey faithfully the original expressions’ rich meanings, finding ways to compensate for translation-caused losses and even adding rhetorical devices to the target texts so as to reproduce and enhance their aesthetic effects. As a result, these translations still retain their high aesthetic and literary values and continue to provide helpful references for China’s translators of playtexts.
Keywords: play translation; literariness; defamiliarization; aesthetic value; Eugene O’Neil  
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