
来源:中国译协网   发布时间:2016-11-24
英汉翻译不同语域下被动标记形式及语义韵变化中的“Translationese” 杨晓琳 5
论英汉语的翻译语域空间 刘立壹 13
胡风对满涛、吕荧等翻译家的影响研究 桂清扬 17
保罗•卡鲁斯的《道德经》英译本研究 余石屹 24
外文社版英译中国现当代小说在美国的传播 李清柳、刘国芝 31
口译专业教学体系的构建——广外口译专业教学体系理论与实践(之一) 仲伟合、詹成 39
同声传译认知加工能力研究与教学应用 高彬、柴明颎 43
Training, Certification and Qualification of Translators and Interpreters: reflections on the present and the future Adolfo Gentile   48
当代翻译研究的理论综观与学科反思——评《当代翻译研究论集》 王岫庐、王东风 53
法庭口译研究新动向:桑德拉•黑尔教授访谈录 赵军峰、赵安 56
翻译技术的知识体系化演进——以双语术语知识库建设与应用为例 苗菊、宁海霖 60
面向“一带一路”展望亚太翻译新图景——第八届亚太翻译论坛综述 贺莺、张旭、黄长奇 65
翻译的遮蔽:谈先锋诗人张枣的诗学“面具” 汤富华 69
宇文所安唐诗翻译的文化选择 魏家海 76
“创译”之创造性误读及其他 杨全红 82
外交语境中“中国梦”核心话语英译辨析 杨明星 86
汉语古诗英译策略体系研究 文军、陈梅 92
中华思想文化关键术语“心”的内涵演变及其英译 杨洁 99
英译汉:A Word for Autumn(A. A. Milne) 叶子南 译 105
翻译导读:“翻译度”概念初探 叶子南 108
汉译英:我若为王(聂绀弩) 蔡力坚 译 110
翻译导读:字面含义与语境含义 蔡力坚 111
“中国关键词”汉英对照精选   115
第二十八届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛揭晓获奖名单   117
评委会名单   118
评审工作报告   119
英译汉参考译文及参赛译文评析   119
汉译英参考译文及参赛译文评析   124
A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of Translationese YANG Xiaolin & CHENG Le 5
How China’s Foreign Languages Press-Published English Versions of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Novels Circulate in the United States LI Qingliu & LIU Guozhi 31
Researching Simultaneous Interpreters’ Cognitive Processing Competence: Methodological Issues and Pedagogical Implications GAO Bin & CHAI Mingjiong 43
E/C Translation Practice: A Word for Autumn (A. A. Milne) YE Zinan 105
C/E Translation Practice: If I Were King(NIE Gannu) CAI Lijian 110
Winners of Han Suyin Award for Young Translators (2016)   117
English Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue
杨晓琳 浙江大学/兰州财经大学  程乐 浙江大学
要:随着语料库翻译研究的发展,人们对翻译语言特征中的“translationese”所表现出的个性与共性特征有了更加深入的认识。本研究通过在语料库中对比考察英、汉两种翻译语言中的被动标记形式及其语义韵的变化特征,发现根据语域的不同,两种翻译语言中的被动标记既有各自的特点又有较为一致的表现。研究发现证明了translationese 的个性与共性特征可以表现在形式和语义/ 语用两个方面,而且可以通过对语言形态和语义韵两方面的考察得以确定并互为佐证。
 中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X(2016)06-0005-08
A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of Translationese
By YANG Xiaolin (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China/Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou, China) & CHENG Le (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)  p.5
Abstract: The development of corpus-based translation studies has made it possible for a more in-depth understanding of the specific as well as the general features of “translationese.” Undertaking a corpus-based comparative investigation into the forms and semantic prosody of marked passive structures in both translational English and Chinese, this paper finds that the passive markers in the two translational languages demonstrate either unique or general features. The finding leads further to the revelation that translationese’s two kinds of features are present in layers of both form and semantics/ pragmatics, and can therefore be located and contrastively identified by an investigation into the linguistic forms and semantic prosody of the translational languages concerned. 
Key Words: translationese; passive markers; semantic prosody; corpus; English-Chinese contrastive study
李清柳 南京大学/纽约城市大学 刘国芝 纽约城市大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X(2016)06-0031-07
How China’s Foreign Languages Press-Published English Versions of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Novels Circulate in the United States
By LI Qingliu (Nanjing University, Nanjing, China / City University of New York, New York, U.S.A) & LIU Guozhi (City University of New York, New York, U.S.A)  p.31
Abstract: Combining methodologies of empirical, quantitative and comparative studies, this paper looks into the way modern and contemporary Chinese novels translated and published by China’s Foreign Languages Press have been circulating in the United States. The data collected of American libraries’ holdings of such English versions of Chinese fiction are ranked and analyzed to provide a general picture of how these versions fare collectively in the U.S., and the profiles of how domestically translated works by each individual author have been circulating in the same target country as well.
Keywords: Foreign Languages Press; modern and contemporary Chinese novel; English translation; literary translation; United States
高彬 对外经济贸易大学  柴明颎 上海外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X(2016)06-0043-05
Researching Simultaneous Interpreters’ Cognitive Processing Competence: Methodological Issues and Pedagogical Implications
 By GAO Bin (University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China) & CHAI Mingjiong (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China)   p.43
Abstract: Simultaneous interpreters’ cognitive processing competence is one of the core research areas in interpreting studies. In view of the complexity of simultaneous interpreting process as a whole and the difficulties confronting its exploration, scholars in this field have chosen to conduct a number of controlled experiments on its self-contained sub-processes. However, such studies have so far yielded only conflicting findings on interpreters’ competence in language comprehension or in phonological and semantic retention of working memory. This paper is an attempt to account for and to deal with the contradictory findings by examining the methodological issues involved and discussing their pedagogical implications as well.
Keywordsinterpreting;simultaneous interpreting; cognitive processing competence; working memory

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