
来源:中国译协网   发布时间:2016-01-12

口译认知过程中“deverbalization”的认知诠释  许明  5
基于语用推理机制的翻译过程框架  陈科芳12
文学翻译批评中对译与作的“质”和“构”的认知  王贵明17


《论语》英译与西方汉学的当代发展  王琰24


《翻译理论探讨》—对当代西方翻译理论的批判性认识  王鹏33


计算机辅助翻译硕士专业教学探讨  俞敬松  王华树38
 “专注听力”—口译听力培训方法之我见  徐然43
法律翻译教学刍议  张法连  叶盛楠48

两会记者招待会温家宝总理所引诗词的翻译探讨  过家鼎52
翻译即反译  欧阳昱53
浅析图片说明的英译  韩清月  邢彬彬58
英译汉话题句取向翻译模式研究  徐莉娜63
航海日志的语言特点及其英译  隋桂岚70


“赔偿”还是“免责”?—商榷Indemnity之中文表达  蒋开召  杨74
再谈《红楼梦》中古器物的汉英翻译问题  左耀琨77




英译汉:Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx ( Frederick Engels)  曹明伦  译84
翻译导读:洗垢求瑕 追求善译  曹明伦86
汉译英:济南的冬天(老舍)  施晓菁  译89
翻译导读:Comments on Translating Winter in Ji,nan  施晓菁90


习作原文:检点我们的幸福感(刘文宁)  王昌玲  译91
点评:保存与“再创造”  朱柏桐92
参考译文:Revive Our Sense of Happiness  朱柏桐  译93


房地产业词语选译  94

英文摘要  95

《中国翻译》杂志敬告投稿者、本刊稿约( 32) 
本刊邮购信息( 62)其它(76) 


许明 北京语言大学

中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0005-07

陈科芳 *浙江师范大学

摘 要: 本文在分析整合语用学原理优势的基础上,提出基于关联理论的语用推理机制,并应用这个语用推理机制描述翻译现象,尤其是文化负载词语的翻译现象,最后提出 一个多元的描述性翻译过程框架。这个框架能比较客观地解释翻译过程,回答译者主体地位的确定性、读者分析法的必要性、多元译本存在的合理性等问题。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0012-05

王贵明 北京理工大学

摘 要: 文学翻译批评应当避免用单一理论就译作表象的建构去测度译者和译作,批评者应该在了解译者的诗学和美学倾向以及相关文学时代特征等因素的前提下去评议翻译 成果。中肯的译评,是评者在切实了解译者对许多与原作相关因素进行异中求同和同中显异的复杂智慧活动的基础上,感知译者的诗性思维和情感动态,从文学性、 历史性和现实性多重角度审视译作,而不会先入为主、固执己见地一味批评。本文提出“译与作同构与异构和同质与异质”命题,以素来争议颇多的庞德翻译为例,通过倡导论者与译者比肩思维,希冀对译作与原作思想情感和语言文化内在特质与形式结构进行多向度的比较,从中求解译作的是与非。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0017-07

王琰 解放军国际关系学院

摘 要:受当代西方汉学研究趋势的影响,当代《论语》英译主要出现在90年 代之后,其翻译方法和特点也与之前的译本有一定的区别,大致可归为两种诠释定向:面向理论和现实的定向与面向文本和历史的定向。当代《论语》英译具有鲜明 的创新性,其多元化的形态不仅丰富了汉学本身,还促成了汉学学科与其他相关学科的交叉,增加了汉学研究对于西方的现代意义,促进了西方汉学与中国学界的对 话和交流。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0024-09

俞敬松  王华树 北京大学 

摘  要:进入21世纪以来,语言服务发生了翻天覆地的变化,新的时代呼唤新一代的语言服务人才。本论文主要阐述了对于新世纪语言服务的理解和思考,翻译技术相关课程的设计定位以及教学计划的制定,教学实践过程中面临的各种问题及解决思路,最后介绍了学生实习就业情况,并展望了CAT专业未来的发展。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0038-05

徐然 *外交学院

摘 要:“听”是口译过程的重要环节,却也是口译学员的薄弱环节。本文提出口译员应具备的“专注听力”,即“边听边分析、边听边记忆”的特殊技巧。笔者认为该技巧应作为本科翻译专业“口译听力课”训练的重点。本文将语篇分析理论和方法运用到口译听力课的“专注听力”训练中,进一步探讨了“专注听力”训练的过程和实际操作。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0043-05

张法连 叶盛楠 中国政法大学

关键词:法律;翻译; 教学法
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0048-04

韩清月 外文出版社 邢彬彬 北大方正

摘 要:图片是文章的重要组成部分,图片说明能起到明确图片含义、提升图片功效的作用。本文结合实例,分析总结了图片说明翻译的特点,并针对文字的取舍、重点的把握和翻译技巧等提出了相关建议。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0058-05

徐莉娜 青岛大学

摘 要:本文探讨了英汉语的类型差异,分析了汉语话题—说明句的基本结构特征,提出主谓句转换为话题—说明句的5种模式。本模式研究建立在英汉语对比基础上,旨在探索英语主谓句转换的便捷路径,为译者提供克服翻译腔、提高译文表达效果的方法。
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0063-07

隋桂岚 *大连海事大学

摘 要: 随着我国航运事业的发展,进入国际航运领域的中国船只越来越多,每年服务于国外船东的海员更是数以万计,航海日志的翻译问题,尤其是英译问题日显突出。本文对英文航海日志的语言特点及翻译方法进行分析和总结,以期对提高航海日志的英译质量有所裨益。
关键词: 航海日志;语言特点;英译
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-873X(2010)03-0070-04


Deverbalization in Conference and Simultaneous Interpretation: A Cognitive View  Xu Ming  5
Pragmatic Inferential Mechanisms Undergirding the Translational Process  Chen Kefang  12
Some Principles in the Criticism of Literary Translation  Wang Guiming  17
Recent Renditions of The Analects and Their Impacts on Contemporary Development of Sinology in the West  Wang Yan  24
A Master Program in Computer Aided Translation  Yu Jingsong & Wang Huashu  38
Fostering "Attentive Listening Skills? Strategies for Improving Listening Comprehension among Undergraduate Trainee Interpreters  Xu Ran  43
Guidelines for Translating Captions  Han Qingyue & Xing Binbin  58
The Topic-Prominence of Chinese Sentences and Its Implications for E-C Translation  Xu Lina  63
E/C Translation Practice: Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx (Frederick Engels)  Cao Minglun  84
C/E Translation Practice: Winter in Ji,nan(Lao She)  Lynette Shi  89
Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue  95

English Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

Deverbalization in Conference and Simultaneous Interpretation: A Cognitive View
by Xu Ming (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China) p.5

Abstract: Though a key concept in the “théorie interprétative de l,interprétation,” deverbalization has not yet been elaborated precisely by translation scholars. In an effort to shed much-needed light on this often misunderstood term, the present paper subjects deverbalization to a close examination, tracing its conceptual development back to the original sources and reviewing available literature on the issues it has generated. Drawing from what the theories of cognitive psychology and cognitive semantics have to offer in this respect, the author proposes two models for conceptualizing the way semantic organization takes shape in the comprehension processes of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. An account of how meaning is represented during the deverbalizing process is also given.
Key words: cognitive process; interpretation; simultaneous interpretation; consecutive interpretation; deverbalization; discourse comprehension; cognitive semantics

Pragmatic Inferential Mechanisms Undergirding the Translational Process
by Chen Kefang (Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China) p. 12

Abstract: Synthesizing resources offered by different pragmatic theories, this article proposes a relevance-based model of pragmatic inference and applies it to a reexamination of how culture-loaded words and expressions have been translated. The study leads to the construction of a poly-systemic framework for better describing the translational process. Within such a framework, it is possible to attack with fresh vigor such recalcitrant issues as to what extent translators should enjoy a subjective status, whether an analysis of the target audience is called for in preparation for translation, or whether having multiple target-language versions of the same source text is justified.
Key words: relevance theory; pragmatic inference; translational process; optimal relevance

Some Principles in the Criticism of Literary Translation
by Wang Guiming (Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China) p. 17

Abstract: Criticism of literary translation should avoid basing itself on consideration of surface textual elements only. Rather, the critic should take into account not just the translator,s affective state and poetic conception, but also the historico-cultural milieu in which she functions. An adequate understanding of how and why the target text coincides with and differs from the source text in all applicable terms is a sine quo non for conducting the criticism. Besides showing a sensitivity to the cultural context, the critic must also strive to empathize with the translator. For an illustration of what counts as good criticism in this area, the often contentious evaluations of Ezra Pound,s translation are reviewed as a case in point.
Key words: literary translation; criticism; target text; source text; internal factor; external factor

Recent Renditions of The Analects and Their Impacts on Contemporary Development of Sinology in the West
by Wang Yan(PLA University of International Studies,Nanjing, China) p. 24
Abstract: Numerous new translations of The Analects have appeared since the 1990s, and in both methodological and stylistic terms, these recent renditions differ markedly from the earlier ones. Demonstrating either a theoretical-practical bent or a textual-historical orientation in their interpretation of the source text, and striking for their stylistic diversity and methodological innovativeness, these new translations of the Confucian classic have been enriching contemporary sinological studies in the West, adding to its current socio-cultural relevancy, intensifying its interactions with neighboring disciplines, and facilitating its dialogue with the Chinese academe as well.
Key words: The Analects; translation; sinology; West; interpretive orientation

A Master Program in Computer Aided Translation
by Yu Jingsong & Wang Huashu (Peking University, Beijing, China) p. 38

Abstract: Language services have undergone radical changes since the beginning of this century. In order to meet the demands the new era had placed on translation, the Language Information Engineering Department in Peking University,s School of Software and Microelectronics started in 2007 to offer a Master program in computer aided translation (CAT) , which is the first of its kind in Chinese mainland. In this paper, we offer an account of the curricular design of our program following some reflections on the current development of language services. In addition to identifying the problems and difficulties we have encountered in running our CAT courses, we also discuss the CAT students,chance for internship and employment and speculate on the prospects of CAT Master program in general.
Key words: language services; computer-aided translation; CAT; translation technology

Fostering “Attentive Listening Skills”: Strategies for Improving Listening Comprehension among Undergraduate Trainee Interpreters
by Xu Ran(China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China) p.43

Abstract: Listening comprehension is the first and foremost step in the interpreting process, yet for undergraduate C-E trainee interpreters, taking the step is as vital as it is difficult. This paper calls for the fostering of “attentive listening skills”, which enable interpreters to analyze and memorize while listening. Arguing that developing such skills should be the focus of listening training for all undergraduate programs in interpretation, the author elaborates on applicable theoretical insights and practical strategies for this endeavor. 
Key words: attentive listening skills; undergraduate programs in interpretation; discourse analysis; training strategy

Guidelines for Translating Captions
by Han Qingyue (Foreign Langusges Press, Beijing, China) & Xing Binbin
(Beijing Founder Electronics, Beijing, China) p. 58

Abstract: As a key component of any text with accompanying photos, captions play an important role in clarifying the text,s meaning and enhancing its rhetorical effects. When rendering captions, the translator should pay special attention to their wording and especially to the special perspective such wording introduces on the text as a whole.
Key words: caption; off-screen implication

The Topic-Prominence of Chinese Sentences and Its Implications for E-C Translation
by Xu Lina (Qingdao University, Qingdao, China) p. 63

Abstract: This paper compares the typological differences between English and Chinese, calling attention to the fact that these two languages are dominated syntactically by the subject-predicate and the topic-comment structure respectively. Identifying key structural characteristics of a typical Chinese sentence, the author proposes five approaches for turning a subject-prominent English sentence into a topic-prominent one in Chinese. These methods offer a more convenient way for handling structural adaptation in E-C translation, making it easier to avoid the pitfall of translationese and enabling the Chinese version to sound more idiomatic to its target readers.
Key words: topic-prominent sentence; subject-prominent sentence; structural adaptation
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