
来源:中国译协网   发布时间:2016-01-12

翻译研究:回归现实世界——对“文化转向”的再思考  胡牧  5
再论德里达的“relevant”translation  王颖冲  11


一首小诗撼动了一座大厦:清末民初《哀希腊》之六大名译  王东风  20
编辑出版家林语堂的编译行为研究  冯智强   朱一凡  27


《翻译研究:语言学中的批判性观念》中的几个重大主题  王祥兵  34


翻译硕士专业学位毕业论文调研与写作探索——以15所高校首批MTI毕业生学位论文为例  穆 雷  邹 兵  40


产学研结合,构建翻译专业师资培训长效机制与平台——2011年暑期全国高等院校翻译专业师资培训暨全国翻译专业教育与翻译产业发展论坛纪实报道  46
关于MTI教学的思考  刘东彪   任红川  47
微观与宏观的双重视域:翻译专业的教学法与管理模式  马军红  49
试析翻译专业硕士导师的多重角色  朱波  53
学以致用,切实提高英汉翻译技能的开山之作  吴晓梅  56


意象图式与同声传译中的影子跟读——一项基于图式理论的实证研究  左嘉  刘和平  58

与“依法”、“    守法/约”概念相关的套语词及其翻译研究  李克兴  62
《黄帝内经》的修辞特点及其英译研究  李照国  69
船检英语的特点与翻译策略  林正锦  74


关于汉英翻译“迁移性冗余”的一些思考  王平兴  79
从《白菜与皇帝》谈起  张经浩  84


碎影流年忆奈达  叶子南  86


英译汉:The Comfort of Strangers (G. Willow Wilson)  孙建成  译  88
翻译导读:游记散文翻译的形、意、神  孙建成  90
汉译英:四喜忧国(节选)  朱志瑜  译  92
翻译导读:文学翻译的策略  朱志瑜  93


本地化业务规范基本术语选译  95

英文摘要  96


本刊邮购信息(33)  本刊稿约(61)  其他(85、87) 


胡牧 南京大学/南京师范大学

摘 要:文本是翻译实践与研究的根本,语言、文化、社会交织于文本之中,对任何一个层面的“转向”,都应该视为对翻译学建设的不同视角而已。“文化转向”突破 了语言研究的视域,使得翻译从字面转换走向跨文化视野下的文本阐释与接受,但鉴于它仅注重文本的外部环境且对翻译实践的指导缺乏可操作性,本文主张以马克 思的文本生产理论为依据,关注译本生产、流通、消费的循环性与社会性。翻译研究应该注重译本能否通过精神消费而融入生活,回归现实世界。

王颖冲    北京外国语大学/香港理工大学

摘要:德里达的“What is a‘relevant’translation?” 是关于解构主义翻译的经典文章,学界对此讨论众多,分歧也很大。本文解析了文中德里达的文字游戏,尤其是他对《威尼斯商人》里“慈悲调剂法律”一幕的典故 挪用。笔者认为,韦努蒂、戴维斯等人的解读都存在意图或表述上的偏差,甚至还有不少学者完全误解了解构主义的哲学主张。本文尝试澄清误解,指出德里达是让 “relevant”一词自我解构,以此来解构“可译性”和“不可译性”二元对立的传统翻译观,从而揭示翻译的本质。

王东风    中山大学

摘要:五四运动期间新文化运动,翻译究竟起了什么样的作用,一直是中国翻译学者想论却从未深入的问题。本文试图通过对清末民初六位译者对拜伦的The Isles of Greece的 翻译的分析,从一个侧面揭示该诗的翻译对当时的政治、文化和文学的重大影响,并同时借机探讨西诗汉译中的种种核心问题,如诗歌翻译的自由度问题、格律的可 译性问题。本文还对译文变形处的理据进行了分析,指出在一些不可能是因为误解而误译的地方,往往都内含着译者的某种政治或诗学的诉求。

冯智强    天津工业大学    朱一凡    上海交通大学

摘 要:作为学者、作家和翻译家的林语堂为世人所瞩目,但人们往往忽视了他作为著名编辑和出版家的文化身份,而这恰恰是贯穿林语堂整个生命活动的主线。本文从 林语堂的编辑出版家的文化身份出发,考察其英文著译作品中的编译现象,从编辑出版的角度解读其编译行为存在的合法性,从而揭示林语堂编译行为与编辑身份之 间的关系,诠释其编译行为的内在动因与外部理据,进而阐明林语堂一系列编译作品存在的合理性与必然性。

王祥兵    国防科学技术大学

摘要:2009年由Mona Baker编辑、Routledge出版的《翻译研究:语言学中的批判性观念》收录了从1962至2009年发表的有关翻译研究的74篇文章,以批判的眼光全面而深刻地探讨了翻译与政治、权力、道德、意识形态、战争、社会等非文本元素的关系,突出了翻译的社会调停和建构功能,揭开了翻译研究中的一些死角,极大地拓展了我们对翻译本质的认识和理解。该文集无论从规模还是从深度来说都是一部巅峰之作,是对近40年翻译社会功能研究的阶段性总结。本文分析归纳了这部作品强调的翻译社会功能研究的几个重大主题,并呼吁中国广大翻译学者加强对中国改革开放后掀起的翻译高潮对中国社会各个层面的影响和冲击的研究点。
关键词:Mona Baker;《翻译研究:语言学中的批判性观念》;翻译研究重大主题;翻译的社会功能

穆 雷  邹 兵    广东外语外贸大学


朱波    南京航空航天大学


左嘉    西南大学    刘和平    北京语言大学

摘 要:意象图式是理解和认知更复杂概念的基本结构,人的经验和知识是建立在这些基本结构和关系之上的。本文通过实证的方法论证了基于意象图式的信息视觉化对 影子跟读和大意回述的显著作用,说明了视觉化在同声传译中能将听到的内容形象化,帮助译员借助形象综合记忆,从而摆脱源语字词的束缚,理清逻辑思路,准确 流畅地表达源语意义。

李克兴    香港理工大学

摘要:本文以香港特别行政区的《公司条例》和《中华人民共和国公司法》及其译本为主要语料来源,对与“依法”、“守法/约”概念相关的套语词及其翻译展开了比较系统的研究。笔者发现: 表达“依法”、“守法/约”概念强制程度最高的是abide by,observe次之,接着才是comply with。Subject to是英文法律文本中另一个使用非常频密的强制词,如出现在主句或法律行为之前,多半是引导出前提性的条件;如出现在主句之后,所跟是但书式的附加限制。Comply with是法律文本中出现频率最高的表示“依从”概念的动词,主动语态的comply with通常跟“有灵主语”或“法人”配合使用,而其衍生词in compliance with则主要用来描述各种形式的“依从”状态。Pursuant to, according to与under, in accordance with的语义、语用或语法功能相同,但在语域上差别巨大:pursuant to古旧迂腐; under属法律专用; in accordance with 是表达“按照”概念的最规范用词;according to过于口语化,语域较低,不宜在正式法律文本中使用。

李照国    上海师范大学


林正锦    中国船级社

摘 要:随着科技翻译的专业化趋势日益凸显,对翻译人才的“专业化”要求也越来越高,因此本文试将船检翻译作为一个独立的专业领域进行分析。本文首先归纳了船 检英语的特点,包括专业性极强、语法特征鲜明、文体风格严谨、法律色彩浓厚等方面。随后从点、线、面三个层次探讨船检英语中关于词汇、句子和语篇的翻译策 略,以期为船检翻译工作者提供一定的借鉴作用。


Back to the Real World: Reflections on the “Cultural Turn” in Translation Studies  Hu Mu   5
The Derridian Concept of "Relevant Translation": A Reconsideration  Wang Yingchong  11
Lin Yutang as an Editor-cum-Translator  Feng Zhiqiang & Zhu Yifan   27
The Current Approach to the Writing of MTI Theses and the Ways for Its Improvement: A Quantitative Study Based on Data from 15 Universities and Colleges  Mu Lei & Zou Bing  40
Image Schemata and Shadowing in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Schema Theory-Guided Empirical Study  Zuo Jia & Liu Heping  58
E/C Translation Practice: The Comfort of Strangers (G. Willow Wilson)   Sun Jiancheng  88
C/E Translation Practice: Lucky Worries about His Country    Chu Chi-Yu  92
Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue  96

English Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

Back to the Real World: Reflections on the Cultural Turn in Translation Studies
by Hu Mu (Nanjing University/ Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China) p. 5

Abstract: This paper reconsiders the “cultural turn” in translation studies by refocusing attention onto the text as the basis of all translational practices. The multi-dimensional character of the text makes it possible to cultivate a diversity of linguistic, cultural and social approaches to the study of translation, and the rise and fall of these approaches have resulted in the various theoretical “turns” this field has witnessed in recent decades. While the “cultural turn,” with its emphasis on the transcultural context within which the target text is interpreted and received, has brought with it a major theoretical breakthrough in our thinking about translation, its tendency to deemphasize the text has prevented many of its insights from becoming operative in practice. Drawing on a Marxist perspective on the production, circulation and consumption of texts, this paper calls for translation scholars to take up the issue of how the target texts function in the real world.
Key words: translation studies; cultural turn; sociological approach; real world

The Derridian Concept of "relevant Translation":A Reconsideration
by Wang Yingchong (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing/The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China) p. 11

Abstract: A seminal paper on deconstruction and translation, Derrida’s “What is a ‘relevant’ translation?” has given rise to many controversies and disputes over its interpretation. This paper maintains that of the influential current readings of this paper, neither Venuti’s nor Davis’s has accurately captured Derrida’s intention and argumentation, and many others have even missed his point completely. Calling attention to the word plays employed in the Derridean text, especially to its allusion to the famous line of “mercy seasons justice” in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, the author argues that its proper interpretation lies in a perception of Derrida’s subtle deconstruction of the central concept “relevant” itself, whereby he exposes the fundamental untenability of the translatability/nontranslatability dichotomy and lays bare the true nature of translation.
Key words: Derrida; deconstruction; “relevant” translation

Lin Yutang as an Editor-cum-Translator
by Feng Zhiqiang (Tianjin Polytechnic University, China) & Zhu Yifan (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) p. 27

Abstract: While Lin Yutang’s identity as a scholar, writer and translator has been popularly acknowledged, his life-long occupation as an editor/publisher and how this had affected his translation have been largely neglected even by translation scholars. This paper undertakes to explore the way Lin Yutang’s professional interests in editing and translating tended to interact and integrate in the kind of adaptive translations he is known for producing.
Key words:  Lin Yutang; adaptive translation; editing; publishing

The Current Approach to the Writing of MTI Theses and the Ways for Its Improvement: A Quantitative Study Based on Data from 15 Universities and Colleges
by Mu Lei & Zou Bing (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou,China) p.40

Abstract: Based on the data collected from 15 Chinese universities and colleges which were the first to offer MTI programs, we have conducted a quantitative analysis of the selection of research topics for their students’ graduate theses. It is found that a large number of MTI theses are academic-oriented, following the model of MA theses, while translation project reports and translation experiment reports constitute just a tiny part. It is also found that many MTI students wrote up their theses either simply summarizing their translation practices or mechanically borrowing some stereotyped theoretical framework, without showing an awareness of basic research methodology and academic norms. To deal with these problems, we recommend that a report-based model be adopted gradually for MTI theses, and that MTI students receive a more rigorous training on the way to conduct a systematic and theory-informed analysis of translation practices.
Key words: MTI; thesis; research topic selection

Image Schemata and Shadowing in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Schema Theory-Guided Empirical Study
by Zuo Jia (Southwest University,Chongqing,China)&Liu Heping(Beijing Languages and Culture University, China) p. 58

Abstract: As gestalts, image schemata contain not only visual components but also kinesthetic information of all kinds. A schema theory-guided empirical study on interpreting we have conducted shows that image-schema-based visualization plays a crucial role in shadowing and proposition recall. With the help of such visualization, interpreters are in a better position to actively predict what is to come, retrieve information from memory, and free themselves from the constraints imposed by the linguistic forms of the original material.
Key words: image schemata; simultaneous interpreting; visualization
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