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讲座 & 赋诗,国际译联主席Kevin Quirk点赞中国译协

来源:中国翻译协会秘书处   发布时间:2017-12-04
      2017年12月2日,在“一带一路”中的话语体系建设与语言服务发展论坛暨2017中国翻译协会年会期间,国际翻译家联盟主席凯文·夸克(Kevin Quirk)作为《译讲堂》特邀嘉宾,为广大口笔译和术语工作者带来了一场精彩讲座,畅谈口笔译和术语工作者的前途无限光明还是一片黯淡”这一备受行业关注的话题。
      中国翻译协会顾问、中国翻译研究院副院长唐闻生,香港浸会大学教授、美国知名学者道格拉斯·罗宾逊(Douglas Robinson) 等中国翻译协会会员、国内外翻译工作者和爱好者共150余人参与讲座。

国际译联主席 Kevin Quirk 为中国译协赋诗
On this most momentous day
Let bells peal and flagpoles sway.
Let’s raise our gazes and sing the praises
Of the people at TAC in every way.
For you are the ones who make thousands of choices
While lending your clients your very clear voices 
Reflecting the cadence and the tone
Of utterances soppy or dry to the bone.
Whether writing or speaking, you do your best
Ask any one of us; it’s always a test
Of your envious strengths as you work your magic
On texts highly serious or even most tragic.
Whether connecting nations 
Or fostering peace, 
You create understanding!
You’re truly outstanding!
You deserve to be praised!
You deserve to be proud!
You deserve a poem to be read out loud! 

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